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May 13, 2011

Where to get your webhosting

I think we're all aware by now that we need to have a website for any business that we're trying to run? Even if you're not running a web business, you do still need a website, yes?

Which means that when we're thinking about a new business then one of the first things we need to think about is website hosting: have a website, we're going to need a host.

So how should we go about trawling through all of those myriad different possible hosts to find the one that we actually want to use? Well, fortunately, there are sites, like the one linked above, which helps to take your through this process.

For example, do you need help with domain names? Well, if you do, or even think you do, then going through that section will help you decide who you'll use to help you.

Similarly, with ecommerce. Is your site going to be just a presence, just a way for people to know that you're there? Or are you going to be doing ecommerce, actually selling from your site? So look at that section to see who will provide you with all of the tools you'll need to do that.

It's a good resource, helps you find out what's available out there.

May 13, 2011 | Permalink


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