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October 02, 2010

David Beckham in divorce battle!

This may or may not surprise you but David Beckham's been caught up in a divorce battle.

No, not from his own wife, Posh Spice, this David Beckham divorce story is about the marriage of another couple. What seems to have happened is that the father of children that go to school with the Beckham's children has decided that his wife has been having an affair. Then, on hte basis of little or no evidence, he's decided that the affair must have been with David Beckham.

Coming after the allegations (strongly denied accusations it must be said) that Beckham has been having threesomes with a prostitute, this isn't perhaps the easiest of stories for Becks and Posh to have to bear:

DAVID Beckham has been named in a court case over claims of an affair with a married mother of two.

The 35-year-old footballer was forced last night to deny having an illicit fling with Shery Shabani, a Hollywood jeweller to the stars.

A source close to the Beckhams has commented as follows:

‘It’s a very odd situation. Obviously, David’s not complicit in this at all – and he’s only learned of it today. This is all false and there’s absolutely no suggestion that there is any truth in the husband’s claims of an affair between David and the woman. It’s all a bit bizarre to be honest.’

Given that the allegations are in court documents and are therefore privileged there's not really anything anyone can do about the allegations either. Except deny them and move on.



October 2, 2010 in Celebrities | Permalink


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