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September 26, 2010
Blanket Jackson is actually British?
Here's something of a turn up for the books. It's being claimed that Michael Jackson's son, Blanket, is actually British. Or at least part British.
The claim is being made by a Brit bloke, Matt Fiddes, who was a body guard to Jackson. He's saying that he was offered $500,000 to make a sperm donation (which he turned down) but that he did make a sperm donation at about the right time for the conception to have occured.
MICHAEL Jackson's former British bodyguard Matt Fiddes will this week claim he is the biological father of the dead star's youngest son Blanket.
Fiddes, of Barnstaple, Devon, will tell Australian TV he fathered the eight-year-old by sperm donation for nothing - turning down a £500,000 offer from the superstar. He has told pals he will fight for custody if anything happens to Jacko's mum Katherine.
That's going to be interesting though, a fight for custody. For of course Diana Ross was named as the second line guardian if anything ever happened to Jackson's mother. And, assuming that they did go through the legal manouvres, he's probably signed away all his parental rights anyway.
Then again, who knows whether the original claim is true of not anyway?
September 26, 2010 in Celebrities | Permalink
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