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September 26, 2010

Lindsay Lohan's on heroin?

Or rather, was Lindsay Lohan on heroin?

Disturbing pictures have been found of Lindsay Lohan with a syringe, holding to her arm while she tightens a torniquet. The pictures date from 2007:

CROUCHING in a dark corner, Lindsay Lohan is poised to inject herself with what appears to be a syringe of heroin.

Our shocking picture shows the troubled Mean Girls star wrapping a tourniquet around her lower arm - the method addicts use to raise a vein.

Her right hand hovers the needle over the skin of her left arm.

What nobody actually knows is whether there was in fact heroin in the syringe and whether Lindsay Lohan actually injected herself with whatever it did contain. We really don't know whether this was actually preparing to take drugs or was simply a pose. A bit of fun for the cameras sort of thing.

About the only thing we can say is that she's not taking opiates now. They would have showed up when she was tested: you know, when the cocaine was found that sent her back to jail?

September 26, 2010 in Celebrities | Permalink


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