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August 26, 2010

Montana Fishburne Playboy pictures

Not satisfied with being dragged up on prostitution charges and with making a commercial porno tape, it seems that Montana Fishburne is trying to set up the perfect tifecta: shw's been posing in her birthday suit for Playboy.

There's no detail as yet as to whether Playboy will actually use either the photos they have or that they'll come back again for a full shoot. Nor, of course, how much, if anything, they're likely to pay.

As we've said before around here about the porno, it might indeed be a good way for an unknown to break into the world of fame and movies. But when you're the daughter of a famous actor you simply don't need to do that. You can get all the screen tests you want simply by getting Papa to phone around his friends.

So, whether or not the Montana Fishburne Plaboy pictures ever see the light of day or not: she's still going about it all the wrong way.

August 26, 2010 in Playboy Pictures | Permalink


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