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December 15, 2009

We're moving again!

Well, there's a good chance that we'll be moving again. Off back to sunny Californiee it seems to be. We're awaiting the news of whether we've got the Dept. of Energy grant to research our new process or not. And if we do then it will be back there so that we can hook up with the great minds we need to.

And of course, when we move we'll need to work out where we can get our Direct TV from. We have Direct TV when we were there last time and it's by far, at least it was for us, the best option available of all the different satellite, and cable systems.

Fortunately, since we were last there and flailing about trying to find our what different systems there were and which was the best for this or that there's been an advance in Directv information. Just click through any of the links to see what I mean: it's now really easy to find out who can supply and sort out the service wherever you are. See, here's the Direct TV in CA page.

Couldn't be simpler, eh?

December 15, 2009 in Television | Permalink


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