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November 11, 2009

Why won't my parakeet eat my diarrhea?

Something of an interesting question, yes? I mean, as this blog says, we would indeed like to know why won't my parakeet  eat my diarrhea, wouldn't we?

Well, the answer actually is that someone's playing a game. And whoever it is playing that game has just won a lot of points. For what is happening is that the new Google can be trained into offering suggestions. You ask the first part of a question and it offers you possible finishes to it, based upon what other people have asked.

Of course, such a thing can be gamed: no one really wants to know why my parakeet won't eat my diarrhea, the interest is in simply getting Google to display the question:

This actually all looks like a variation on "googlewhacking". That's the attempt to get your page as the only entry in the entire Google index for some phrase or another. You do have to be pretty inventive to manage it now, given the size of the index. My assumption is that this is a variation: a game being played to see who can get the most outrageous suggestions out of Google by asking the question a few times and seeing if it comes up as one of those suggestions. And I would think that whoever came up with "Why won't my parakeet eat my diarrhea?" has managed to win a very large number of points.

What fun, eh? Anyone coined a word for the game yet?

November 11, 2009 in Web/Tech | Permalink


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What I wanna know is: Why won't my parakeet eat my homework? :)

Posted by: Jon Pear (a.k.a. NeuroAster) | Nov 13, 2009 4:52:56 PM