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June 15, 2009

Megan Fox leaked photos

The Megan Fox leaked photos story is all over the airwaves (well, OK, the web) today.

The first thing one should say about the Megan Fox leaked photos is that she (as she claims) is not actually topless in them. Apparently the leaked photos actually show Megan Fox wearing "booby stickers" whatever they are:

Megan Fox says that the leaked topless photos taken of her while filming Jennifer’s Body aren’t quite what they seem. I had booby stickers on.

So that's alright then, I guess. As a result of this Megan Fox is not going to sue over the leaked photos:

Hollywood star of the “Transformers” movie Megan Fox, has apparently decided not to take legal action against the person that was responsible for leaking topless photos of her to the tabloids. According to oneindia.in, the actress feels that karma will do the job instead.

Fox was shocked, when she realized that there were topless photos of her from her upcoming new movie “Jennifer’s Body” online. She immediately wanted to sue the person that had leaked them. But then a second look made her realize that the shots weren’t quite what they seemed.

The detail over the leaked photos of Megan Fox is that:

“I had booby stickers on. They make these silicone stickers that go on over your nipple.”Fox says she was livid when she heard the pics had been leaked to a gossip rag. She added that she considered suing the person responsible. “If I’d been actually topless, I would have sued someone. I know who, and I never did anything about it. It’s her karma to deal with, not mine.”

If you're looking for more news on this Megan Fox leaked photos story, try these links below:

  • Megan Fox Leaked Photos | ShowStalker
    Remember the person who leaked Megan Fox NSFW Pictures to the Media and created a huge uproar as Megan is one of the hottest properties in Hollywood right now. Read more
  • Megan Fox Leaked Photos | Book4buy
    book4buy.com is site about internet, latest news, health and technology.Read more
  • Megan Fox leaked photos shock the world! | Informations you should …
    Here we provide you with latest information you should know. Read more
  • Wow Legs: Megan Fox Leaked Photos
    The person behind the Megan Fox leaked photos just got lucky because Megan Fox refused to take legal action against him. “I had booby stickers on. They make these silicone stickers that go on over your nipple, If I’d been actually … Read more
  • Megan Fox Leaked Photos
    Magan Fox Leaked Photos appear on the tabloids couple of days ago but Hollywood actress who gained her fame from the movie Transformers decided not to sue. Read more

June 15, 2009 in Celebrities | Permalink


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