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May 02, 2009
Professional complainers
You do wonder sometimes, whether people don't have (or perhaps should have) better things to do. Some people it appears will complain about just about anything.
For example, new ads from Burger Kind showed a great big tall American cowboy and a little round and short Mexican. This is of course horrendous for no one at all has so far noticed that Americans tend to be taller than Mexicans, have they? But up pops one of the professional complainers to complain:
Mexico's ambassador to Spain said posters released in Europe for Burger King's new Tex-Mex style "Texican whopper," a cheeseburger with chile and spicy mayonnaise, inappropriately displayed the Mexican flag, whose image is protected under national law.
The ambassador wrote a letter complaining to Burger King and requested the ad campaign be discontinued.
But then again, we also have to say that as an Ambassador, his job description actually is "professional complainer".
May 2, 2009 in Politics | Permalink
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The real insult is to The Great State (Texas). However, Louisiana has a case against BK as well. Cajun Mayonnaise?
I suggest catching the next international flight to Lubbock for a queso burger at Caprock Cafe.
Where can one hire a professional complainer in North America? I think there were some near Houston, but those were ordered to Washington DC last November.
Posted by: AndyIvey | May 2, 2009 5:45:36 PM