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May 03, 2009

Looking for a new career?

Yes, we know, economic times are hard. And trying to find a new job at the moment is not going to be easy. However, that very fact makes it a good time to be thinking about retraining for a new and different career. In fact, it's one of the things we see in every recession, more people going to school for the training they want. For example, take a look here at this site about personal trainer certification.

It's an excellent resource, showing you which schools are on campus, which are online. They're broken down by State and geography. There are also descriptions of what specialties they have in their teaching programs.

So why not take a look? Right now, when it's tough to get a job anyway, is just the time to be thinking about training for a new and exciting career.

May 3, 2009 in Business | Permalink


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