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May 14, 2009



121.im is one of those things that you need to be very aware of. For 121.im is a virus that spreads through Facebook. Or rather 121.im is a worm that will compromise your system if you click on it as a result of a link from Facebook.

There’s currently a big scam running on Facebook and a lot of accounts have been compromised. If you receive an email like check ponbon.im, check 121.im or check 151.im, just delete the email and DO NOT click the link, because it may compromise your account too.

Well, no one thought that something used by quite so many people was going to stay free of worms and viruses like the 121.im, did they?

The Facebook bugs just keep on swarming. If the combination of my Facebook inbox and Twitter chatter is any indication, there's yet another bug (or whatever you want to call it) floating around on the social networking site. It's not recent nasty bug Koobface, it's not mygener.im and, as far as I can tell, it's not even Boface.BJ. This time the link, which in my case came in messages titled "Hello," leads to sites with names like 151.im and 121.im

When you navigate to those addresses (and it seems people are, despite the very odd names), you will find a near-exact replica of the Facebook login page. You are, of course, prompted for your login and password. And once you give those, you, sir, have been hooked by the phishermen. 

Yup, the purpose of 121.im is to get your login and password so that your account can be compromised.


It seems to have been first spotted over in Germany. My knowledge of that language is sketchy, but this does seem to be discussing it:

Ohne zu wissen, wo die Risiken liegen, lässt sich schließlich ein Katastrophenschutzplan gar nicht erstellen."
Stefan Ortner von alpS und sein Team haben insgesamt 704 Gefahren herausgefiltert und digitalisiert. 241 im oberen Lechtal, 231 in Reutte und Umgebung, 111 im Tannheimer Tal und 121 im Zwischentoren. Allein 43 Lawinenstriche bedrohen die B- und L-Straßen.

Or maybe, given my lack of German, it's nothing to do with 121.im at all:

Im Jahr 2008 seien insgesamt 121 Patienten auf der Intensivstation der Klinik gestorben, in über 50 Prozent der Fälle habe die Tatverdächtige Dienst gehabt. 2007 zählte die Klinikleitung 93 Tote, in 42 Fällen davon war die beschuldigte Krankenschwester auf Station. 2009 starben 24 Patienten auf der Intensivstation, 16 davon während der Dienstzeiten der Frau.

That, I'm pretty sure, is nothing to do with the 121.im that we're interested in.

Just to repeat, no, you don't want to click on any link to 121.im and if you do, don't give them your Facebook or any other login or password.


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May 14, 2009 in Web/Tech | Permalink


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