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March 15, 2009

Pauline Hanson photos denial!

We've blogged about the Pauline Hanson photos just earlier today. We've just got news in that Pauline Hanson is denying everything.

Pauline Hanson denies photos

In an unexpected twist, lawyers acting for Pauline Hanson have written to media outlets denying that photos which appeared in the Sunday Telegraph, were indeed photos of Ms Hanson.

They also deny that she had had any relationship with the person who had said he took the photos some years ago, when Ms Hanson was in her early '20s.

Erm, no, we here don't think that denial is really all that believable. OK, we admit to not having seen photos of Pauline Hanson deshabille before but looking at the set plus more recent photos of her (which you can see here) no, we're afraid that we really don't believe it.

Could be photoshop of course, but we don't believe that either.

March 15, 2009 in Sex | Permalink


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Well you will have egg on your face, coz it only took me one glance to see that those photo's are not of Pauline Hanson, the nose and lips are obviously all WRONG.

Hope you will be publishing an apology to her when it is all sorted ????

Posted by: Darcy Franklin | Mar 16, 2009 12:31:20 PM

Still waiting for that apology to Pauline...., come on, even Neil Breen has said sorry!

Posted by: Darcy Franklin | Mar 22, 2009 12:04:10 AM