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March 04, 2009

Ceterum Censeo.....

Forgive me, it's been a long running thing of mine that the European Union should be destroyed. And I looked back to the Latin of Cato to provide me with my rhetorical hook to hang it all on.

Ceterum censeo Unionam Europaeam esse delendam. And therefore the European Union must be destroyed.

OK, OK I agree, it doesn't read on T-shirts. But the shorter version does: Unionam Europaeam delenda est.

Excellent, but where am I  to have these made? Well, actually, I can have my custom sweatshirts made by the good folks at www.Threadsmith.com.

Good clothes, made by good people, with a good slogan.....all I need now is people to wear them, right?

March 4, 2009 in Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam | Permalink


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