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October 15, 2008
Tony Curtis
Well it is National Grouch Day so Tony Curtis is having a go.
Tony, father of fellow actor Jamie Lee, (I bet reading that would make him grouchy), is having a pop at the film bosses for not respecting him in his early career.
Tony is convinced that Hollywood gave him lightweight roles when he began his acting career. He says, "I just wanted to be treated like anybody else. There was a lot of opposition to me during the early years of movies. It had an effect on me."
He also blasts the Screen Actors Guild for not considering him more saying, "I don't feel like I got the movies I should've gotten. I felt I deserved more than that the industry had given me".
He sounds quite bitter. You'd think a man with a hairstyle named after him would be more content with his life.
Contactmusic.com, UK
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Associated Content, CO
Today is National Grouch Day. National Grouch Day was an invention of the now-defunct Sesame Street Magazine ...
October 15, 2008 in Celebrities | Permalink
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