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September 05, 2008

Britney thanks Daddy

Britney Spears has finally come out in a interview and thanked Dad, Jamie for interceding in her life.  Britney says, "My father saved my life. I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. I've not always been a good daughter; but he basically gave up his job and his life to look after me at a time when I wasn't even sure I wanted to go on living. I owe him my life."

Britney who is now well on the road to recovery will be part of the opening of this year's VMA awards. Britney will not be performing but according to MTV Networks Music Group President Van Toffler her part will be "fun and unexpected."

A bit like last year really!

Britney Thanks Her Daddy and Confirms VMA Appearance
Britney Thanks Her Daddy and Confirms VMA Appearance ... to say hi to my fans and to be nominated," Spears said in a statement. Britney says ...

Britney Spears to  open MTV Video Music Awards
guardian.co.uk, UK
Oops, she's doing it again. A year after her disastrous appearance, Britney returns to the scene of the crime to make her live comeback. But don't worry, ...

Britney Spears Returns
New York Times, United States
After much ballyhoo, MTV has announced that Britney Spears will open the 25th annual Video Music Awards on Sunday at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, ...

Spears To Open VMAS
San Francisco Chronicle,  USA
Britney Spears will open the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday with a heartfelt message to her fans. The news ends weeks of speculation about the pop star's ...

Britney Spears to  open MTV awards
Times Online, UK
In what could prove a courageous or crazy move, Britney Spears has announced she will return to the MTV Music Video Awards a year after her catastrophic ...

September 5, 2008 in Britney Spears | Permalink


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