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July 31, 2008
Auto Insurance
OK, so we all know that we need to have auto insurance, yes? It's not so much that you want to make sure that you've got your own car covered if you have a crash: it's so that everybody elses' cars and bodies are covered if you have a crash. A few thousand dollars to repair your won car if you didn't have insurance would be a hassle, for sure, but having to pay millions to somone you injured would be impossible without insurance.
OK, well, now that we agree that you've got to have it, how do you find the best deal? Rather than schlpeeing around loads of different websites, the easiest way is to go here and look at car insurance quotes. They're free, there's no obligation to take one or another of them, but it does give you an excellent idea of what is available on the market out there.
One other thing about the site. If you're not sure about the various different types of insurance on offer (like, say, 100-300 auto insurance) then there's an interesting series of articles which will explain it all to you.
July 31, 2008 in Paid Blogging | Permalink
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