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September 02, 2007

Will Hutton Today

Not sure this comment will get through the censorship system at the Observer so I'll put it here as well:

"Not in 2007; now their pay can rise by nearly 20 times more than the average, as revealed in the Guardian survey of FTSE 100 companies and, apart from one or two trade union and church leaders, there is hardly a public voice raised in complaint."

Indeed, excellent, isn't it? Some 50% of those increases (including income tax and national insurance) flow to the Treasury out of which we pay for the compensation to wounded soldiers. That our current rulers would rather do other things with the money (like, ooooh, funnelling money to the Work Foundation via the tax supported NHS Employers, the Royal Opera House, Defra, British Council, DWP, DoH, etc etc) is of course an entirely different matter.

September 2, 2007 in Idiotarians | Permalink


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How does that work? Isn't National Insurance capped at 1% above the upper limit?

Tim adds: Employer's isn't capped.

Posted by: Matthew | Sep 2, 2007 11:14:32 AM

That assumes these people pay income tax, does it not?

Tim adds: Yes....why, you think they don't?

Posted by: McGazz | Sep 2, 2007 6:00:40 PM