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September 14, 2007

If I Did It: OJ Simpson

I knew that OJ Simpson's book, If I Did It, was coming out again after the original version was pulped. But I hadn't realised that it was Fred Goldman (the father of the murdered Ron) who was publishing it:

Fred Goldman and his daughter, Kim - the father and sister of Ronald - have faced widespread criticism for publishing the controversial book after it was scrapped by its original publishers.

Denise Brown, Nicole's sister, has said she is "shocked and horrified" and has vowed never to speak to the Goldmans again. She refused to appear with them on the Oprah Winfrey Show on US television.

The book, in which Simpson wrote of how he might have killed the pair in June 1994, prompted such outrage that the publisher, Judith Regan, was sacked and hundreds of thousands of copies were pulped.

Mr Goldman then gained rights to the book under terms of a 1997 civil court judgment that held Simpson, an ex-American football star, responsible for the murders despite being found not guilty in a criminal trial. Mr Goldman arranged for it to be published again.

The book goes on sale in the US this weekend and more than 100,000 copies have already been ordered.

I take it that OJ won't be doing any publicity for it then?

September 14, 2007 in Books | Permalink


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No. He's busy looking for his wife's murderer on the golf course.

Posted by: Tim Almond | Sep 14, 2007 9:21:27 AM

I was outraged when I first heard OJ had written a book and was going to profit for the double murder he committed. I was relieved when it was squashed along with his interview. I vowed not to buy the book and protest if it every hit bookstores. But now I plan to buy the book not to read it but to see the proceeds go to someone else and not him. I hope it makes a lot of money because he is a money man and it will kill him when he sees how much money he could have had. And if we can't get justice in the courts then I guess we have to get it where we can

Posted by: Anne Marie | Sep 14, 2007 1:33:47 PM

If the man was found innocent by the courts, why shouldnt he write what book he likes?

Posted by: lina | Oct 27, 2007 4:16:13 PM