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August 14, 2007

Tired and Emotional

As  we all know, language changes over time. It appears that the honourable phrase, "tired and emotional" has been replaced:

Normal service will be resumed, the BBC has promised, after Radio 2 listeners raised concerns over another baffling early-morning performance by Sarah Kennedy.

The broadcaster mispronounced words and let sentences tail off in a rambling show that prompted a number of listeners to voice fears for her health on the station’s website.

Kennedy, 57, referred to Diana, Princess of Wales, wearing a “pink polka blot” dress and described the victim in the Phil Spector murder trial as having a “gunshot to her month”. She offered to send some “panties” to soldiers in Afghanistan and also appeared to have difficulty reading the newspaper review.

After garbling one phrase, the former Game for a Laugh host explained: “I’m sorry, I have got a bit of a breathing problem today but I will get that sorted out by going to see the docs.” The BBC blamed Kennedy’s difficulties on a sore throat and said that she hoped to return to the airwaves this morning.

Useful to know, don't you think? 'Tis a little odd that it should make its appearance now though: surely, now that you can't smoke in a pub, that couldn't be the cause of breathing problems, could it? Or a sore throat?

August 14, 2007 in Language | Permalink


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It could actually have been a neurological problem. At least, that's what the Bishop of Southwark is sticking by.

Posted by: Kay Tie | Aug 14, 2007 10:07:26 AM

The exerpts stated above don't seem that different to Kennedy's regular output....

Posted by: JuliaM | Aug 14, 2007 10:13:22 AM