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August 30, 2007

Cameron on Immigration

Well, I guess he's speaking the truth here:

He denied Labour charges that he was moving his party to the Right on immigration


Mr Cameron made clear that he was not talking about sending immigrants home or unpicking existing accession agreements with European countries, such as Poland, that recently entered the EU.

But he laid out policies that would be at the heart of a Tory manifesto for a possible snap general election.

A Conservative government would push for "transitional periods" before people from future EU entrant nations could come and live and work in Britain.

As for those from outside the EU, a calculation should be made each year of what skills the country needed, the benefits migrants bring to Britain, and "the costs of pressures on public services".

A points based system for non EU immigration: that's already in the works, isn't it? As to transitional periods, the next few in are going to be tiddlers, Croatia and the like. After that, the next one (might?) will be Turkey and no one is going to let them in without a transitional period.

No, not to the right of anyone there.

August 30, 2007 in Politics | Permalink


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"A points based system for non EU immigration: that's already in the works, isn't it?"

Do you believe for a millisecond that it will be done competently? No, a points-based system is not in the works. A points-based shambles is.

Posted by: Kay Tie | Aug 30, 2007 9:59:10 AM

A real right-wing system would be to do without immigration controls completely and let the market decide who was needed rather than Whitehall trying (and probably failing) to guess. Of course that would also require the removal of the current welfare state, but that would be a good thing in itself anyway.

Posted by: chris | Aug 30, 2007 5:38:52 PM