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January 07, 2007

Britblog Roundup #99

Welcome to the 99th Britblog Roundup. Rather short today I'm afraid, a combination of winter holidays and the fact that I am still on dial up so not surfing and adding entries. Should be better next week and you can make nominations by simply emailing the URL to britblog AT gmail DOT com.

First up is Notsaushure with a rejection of the rationalists view of the world.

Life isn’t perfect; we live in a fallen world. And by saying that we can perfect it, that we can prevent, if only we try hard enough, people from behaving irresponsibly or anti-socially by state action, we just make things worse.

The Anglo Saxon Times has a retelling of the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Chris Dolley brings us the kitten's guide to weight watching over the festive period.

Liberal Review
with the startling information that there is indeed something Liberal Deomcrats agree about.

Peter Black AM on the subject of jobsworths. When even politicians complain about people doing as they are told they must you know things must be bad.

The Englishman would like you to help with his coursework. That is, if anyone at all knows how to motiveate 11-16 year olds (Whips? Sex? Booze?).

Somethingfishy is a brand new blog that kicked off with this splendid rant about the state of education today. Have a look around for the second part as well.

Philobiblon on the pornocracy. Pope Joan makes an appearance so while it might make the odd Catholic choke on their cornflakes it is worksafe.

My London Your London on a map exhibition at the British Library.

Investigations of a Dog reviews Band of Brothers, the computer game, and segues into a discussion of realism in war films.

Pandemian discusses the superpowers one should wish for in this life.

Say Goodbye to Fat Charlie with Paul Kingsnorth.

The Daily (Maybe) takes issue with that MigrationWatch report into immigration. As with my own look at that report, they don't actually seem to have understood their own research.

Inkycircus introduces us to the ultimate diamond. Liz Taylor has already put in a bid.

And that's it for this week, more next, hopefully, given a following wind and the goodwill of Portugal Telecom, much more. Until then:

Toodle Pip!

January 7, 2007 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink


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This is a nice idea, this round up.

If we're allowed to nominate ourselves then I nominate myself. If we're not then, er, I don't.

I thank you.

Julius Seizer

Posted by: Julius Seizer | Jan 7, 2007 4:25:50 PM

Next week you hit the century mark lets hope all of us remember to send something in!

Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge | Jan 7, 2007 5:02:03 PM

I took Tim's advice to motivate 11-to-14-year-olds with whips, sex and booze, and as a result I'm in jail on remand and an angry mob have burned down my house. Can I sue?

Posted by: pdf | Jan 8, 2007 11:23:51 PM

Do you really, really think haddock's childish foulmouthed garbage (somethingfishy) is a "splendid rant"? Useful contribution to the debate about education, is it? Witty? Amusing?

Posted by: Hugh | Jan 17, 2007 2:54:31 PM