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December 14, 2006
Viagra and Zyban
Oooh, yes, tee hee. We Brits can all have a little larf because there's smut involved.
In a development unlikely to reduce cigarette consumption but almost certain to produce other benefits — at least for male patients — a “computer glitch” led to smokers being mistakenly prescribed Viagra instead of the anti-smoking drug Zyban.
The problem is thought to have become apparent several weeks ago. About 900 GPs at 300 surgeries have been sent an e-mail from NHS Greater Glasgow warning about a malfunction by its “e-Formulary” IT system, which automatically lists the most popular drugs when doctors fill out prescriptions. When GPs tried to select Zyban, a drug that suppresses the part of the brain that experiences nicotine cravings, the computer instead selected sildenafil, the generic name for Viagra, which is used to treat impotence.
Most amusing, isn't it?
A spokeswoman for the health authority said that no patients had complained of having been given Viagra in error.
Giggle, giggle.
So, next question. Who's been getting aspirin instead of anti-depressants? Warfarin instead of iron for anaemia? Birth control pills instead of HRT?
Not so funny really, is it?
December 14, 2006 in Health Care | Permalink
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"..a "computer glitch” led to smokers being mistakenly prescribed Viagra instead of the anti-smoking drug Zyban."
Hmm, Viagra makes you randy....
And what's the most-often requested post-coital treat..? A cigarette!
So a failure on two fronts then!
And I love that phrase computer glitch - it removes all human error from the equation. Did no one programme the damn thing incorrectly then....?
Posted by: JuliaM | Dec 14, 2006 4:57:40 PM
Where did you find this guestbook by the way??? I'd like to have one like this on one of my sites!!!
Posted by: Stringer | Jun 1, 2007 9:31:31 PM