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November 08, 2006

The Farm Subsidies System

Aren't you happy that we're ruled by such delightfully competent people?

The fiasco that has surrounded the payment of £1.5 billion worth of annual subsidies to English farmers is to roll on for another year, the Government admitted yesterday.
David Miliband, the Environment Secretary, told the Commons that the acting chief executive of the Rural Payments Agency had told him that the agency could not guarantee to deliver full payments to England's farmers next year by the EU's legal deadline of June 30.

Cock ups in year one, well, it's a cock up. Knowing in November that you won't be able to finish an annual task by next June? That's simply incompetence.

Quite simply, these poeple are incapable of giving money away.

November 8, 2006 in Your Tax Money at Work | Permalink


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All the systems are geared up for taking money. look at the new DVLA system for taking your tax. Nice quick and easy. Look at every form to be filled in for a paltry £20 for which you are entitled.

This is no different. It's not even incompetent. It's a strategy of indifference.

Posted by: Dave Petterson | Nov 8, 2006 1:57:52 PM

In other news:

Officials in the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs
received more than £7 million in bonuses in the last two years despite
the failure of the English single farm payments scheme, a provision for
£131 million of losses in the accounts, as well as financial crisis in
British farming....Details from Hansard

Posted by: The Englishman | Nov 8, 2006 7:44:13 PM