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October 01, 2006
Britblog Roundup #85
Welcome to the latest little installment of your choices of the blogging around. The things you think we ought to have seen but didn't. You can nominate things for next week simply by emailing the URL to britblog AT gmail DOT com and I will do the rest.
First up is this both hilarious and sad piece from Cnutgroist. A quite superb letter, how to tell everyone that a relationship is over.
We don't normally include CiF pieces here but this by Daniel Davies is very good indeed. Don't do something, just stand there, excellent advice for politicians in general.
The Reactionary Snob is very worried by John Reid's speech at the conference: he was going to have a go at Jack Straw but let him off.
Jonny at The Void has a look at Bono's Red adventure. Not impressed and there's a great t-shirt design.
Squander Two on the concept of Irishness. A richer and more varied life they live over there.
Perfect.co.uk goes to prison. No, much more interesting than you are thinking.
Both the Whiskey Priest and Love and Liberty were unimpressed with the reporting of Cherie's remarks. Mere gossip and tattle they say.
Gareth at the CEP with a tale of woe at the hands of the NHS bureaucracy. No, I don't get it either, we want more nurses, why make it so difficult for them to come?
Harry's Place with a video show you'll want to see. No Excuses for Terror. (Yes, the David Aaronovich piece.)
The Quiet Road with a wonderful piece on John Reid's idiocy over cannabis. Apprently teh new classification of 5 g as being a dealer will mean 90% of even occasional users are classified as dealers.
Jarndyce has a wonderful piece about how we should pay politicians. With his metric the current lot would owe us money.
Philobiblon (who spent some years working there in quasi governmental thingies) asks whether democracy is actually possible in Thailand? Mebbe not seems to be the answer.
My London Your London with a review of White Open Spaces (taking off from Trevor Phillips' comment about passive apartheid in the English countryside).
Shiraz Socialist with qa view of that last Blair conference speech from the left: Feeling Blairy.
The Capacious Handbag gives us recipes for cheese on toast. As done by famous cooks.
Diamond Geezer with essential information for surfers: how to block those flash ads.
The Magistrate has a competition. Write an apology letter as a criminal to a victim. A fabulous prize as well!
The Mental Nurse on mental health care. Not good, in short.
Antonia Bance on the Fathers 4 Justice types at Conference. Her comment about comments makes me think she's expecting trouble.
Barbie's Worst Enemy has up the video of one of the very first advertisements for, umm, her worst enemy.
Feminish on whether the Long Blondes are feminist or what? As she actually knows the singer, a revealing take.
Liberal England with a new set of entries from Lord Bonker's Diary.
Mr. Eugenides on the wonder that is Webcameron.
The Devil takes a close look at the Boy Millies piece from the Guardian. A fine example of swearyblogging.
Suzblog wanders, looking at the housing just transferred from council to partnership and gets accosted as 'the blog lady'.
Ellee Seymour leaves off the politics for a moment to ponder upon the Cromer Crab.
Konichiwa Bitches on the direness of the bloggers hat tip (H/T Backword Dave).
The UK Law Student is running a roundup of legal blogging in the UK and the Scottish Political Roundup has been revived.
And that's it for this week, more at the same time and place next, until then:
Toodle Pip!
October 1, 2006 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink
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He's in the news columns again. I've never understood why anyone under the age of fifteen takes him seriously... Joyous stuff from Dave Hill:During my former life as a pop critic I interviewed George Michael twice: first when he was [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 2, 2006 7:27:01 PM
Delighted to see that the demise of the Cromer crabs has grabbed your attention. However, my biggest success this week has been a campaign to oust St George as the patrol saint of England and replace him with St Edmund, who originally held this title before being ousted. It is planned to take it as far as a debate in the HoC.
Posted by: Ellee Seymour | Oct 1, 2006 2:34:35 PM