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September 18, 2006

Jack on a Train

As Reuters reports:

PARIS (Reuters) - The voice of Jacques Chirac greets passengers over the speakers of a Paris commuter train every morning, announcing the next station and wishing them a nice day.

However, the man behind the voice is not the French president in person, but the train's driver Eric Brault, a talented amateur impressionist.

Personally I’d say that the popularity is down to the belief that L’Escroc really is on the train making announcements. Do far less damage, steal less, there, than he would in The Elysee.

September 18, 2006 | Permalink


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The voice of Tony would be as dulcet tones to the average British commuter at peak hour with the train 40 minutes late and the second one cancelled.

Posted by: james | Sep 18, 2006 4:42:51 PM

Sorry, really must comment again. The word verification on the last one was 'zuzfun'. After the sexblog, I thought it an interesting word we could develop.

Posted by: james | Sep 18, 2006 4:45:08 PM