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July 30, 2006
I’m So Proud
A comment at CiF:
Well we all know you peddle comments for Murdoch and are a paid up mouth piece for Rupert smug Mr Worstall. Rupert and the rest of the Corporate pirates give us as much free speech and bought journalists like Worstall as their money can buy.Different in China of course were Murdoch censors the news to stay in with the Chinese dictators. Nothing like giving cover to terroristic regimes when its profitable.
Murdoch already uses Fox, Sun, Times, Sky a to peddle his views and of course we all have the same freedom as the rich to buy Newspapers,Radio,TV stations and Journalists like Worstall. So its no surprise to see the very Liberal Mr Worstalls arguments for totalitarian Corporate control of the media by his paymaster Rupert Murdoch.
D’ye think Rupes will add a liitle bonus to my brown envelope of cash next week? You know, now that I’ve been promoted to "Journalist"?
July 30, 2006 in The Blogger Himself | Permalink
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Yes, interesting point when a blogger becomes a journo. Is it only when he's writing for a syndicated newspaper? What about an economic journal? Is he then a features writer?
Tim adds: Nick Cohen called me a hack a few months back in what I am sure was an approving manner. The thing is I’m not sure there is (or should be) a stict dividing line between a blogger and an (opinion) journalist. That one gets paid isn’t a dividing line: Kos is making an extremely good living I’m sure.
Posted by: James Higham | Jul 30, 2006 4:12:18 PM
the recent book Freakonomics debunks the theory that heavy advertising spending gets you anywhere in politics (certainly American politics, anyway - witness Ross Perot et al).
why would ruprecht suddenly take to the airwaves in his dotage, anyway? surely, that's what he bought the newspapers for...
Posted by: sir barry bethel | Jul 30, 2006 4:40:57 PM
Yeah, most of these opinion journalists have a background in being a journalist and not in the particular field on which they express an opinion. That's what is great about the blogosphere. It is populated by far more knowledgeable people than the newspapers.
Posted by: Josh | Jul 30, 2006 6:10:30 PM
Iain Dale, Tim Montgomerie and now you. CiFfed. I expected better of you.
Posted by: Guido Fawkes | Jul 30, 2006 9:39:51 PM
Ooops just follwed the link.
You didn't write for CiF you commented on it.
Faith in Worstall restored.
Posted by: Guido Fawkes | Jul 30, 2006 9:43:49 PM