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July 23, 2006
Britblog Roundup # 75
Still in our shrunken form for the summer, here is the Britblog Roundup, your collection of the posts that you think the rest of us should see.
If you’d like to make nominations for next week’s, simply send the URL to britblog AT gmail DOT com.
First up is a request from a site, The Postcard Manifesto. Jot down on a postcard and send it in what you would do if made ruler of the world. Off to a slow start but could be quite fun.
Frog End. Really not quite sure how to describe this. Go and make up your own mind perhaps?
Stephen Tall uses Chris Anderson’s "The Long Tail" (it is now mandatory to use this analogy to explain everything) to talk about raising the level of political discussion. Fortunately, this is actually a legitimate use of the analogy.
A very interesting site new to me, Bibi Cambridge, the High-Grade Heroine. Some lovely little jokes in there ("punch me pink and bully me blue" for example)...all in all highly recommended.
Smokewriting with a beautifully argued piece on the Iraeli situation. Whether you agree or not is another matter.
Matthew is musing over a rejection letter for a novel. He’s got sections posted around the place if you’d like to see what it’s all about. Perhaps Lulu.com might eb a place tos start?
My, we are getting some different stuff this week. Confessions of a French Film Extra? Besson no less.
Something a little odd. Postman Patel appears to have been removed from the Google searchbot. Not sure why, he was no ruder about Lord Levy than many others.
The Sharpener on The Great LEader. Remember, politicians are all too human.
Make My Vote Count with the Four power junkies of the Apocalypse.
Adloyada on demonisation by cartoon and ball bearings in rockets.
Blood and Treasure on Middle East events:
And on that basis I hope Hezbollah give the IDF a fucking good hiding.
Natalie Bennett at Blogcritics on why the Americans get "development" entirely wrong. Highly amusing actually, if kicking a man when he’s down is your sort of thing (and who doesn’t like that?).
My London Your London with a review of Under The Black Flag. The prequel, if you wish, to Treasure Island.
Pandemian reviews the new Hovis (No Crust!).
I consider the existence of this to be absolute proof of that which I first believed as a seven year old and continue to cling to to this day: if you cross your arms and remain resolute the world will eventually come round to your way of thinking.
Do read. The final line:
Still, a victory of sorts. I'm currently redoubling my efforts for vegetables that taste like ice cream.
(Yes, Pandemian was indeed Green Fairy.The style shines through.)
Purple Pen with a mother’s cry from the heart. One suggestion is that this could work very well as a contraceptive.
The Camden Kiwi answers that vital question for us all. What happens when you push the button?
The Magistrate with more of the usual hard headed advice. Do fogive him for raining on Dr. Reid’s parade.
Tom Reynolds celebrates a double birthday. (The book’s out next month I think so keep an eye out for that.)
The Diary of Barbie’s Worst Enemy (??) gives us a defense of the Spice Girls (?!?)
Other Men’s Floweres on Charles Lamb, both as a model for writers and as an all too fallible human.
The Capacious Hnadbag discovers middle class flies.
The Enlgishman in his castle with a game for all the family to play. Which female singers have "it"?
Liberal England wants some help with the language. When and why did we all stop saying railway station and replace it with train station?
Suzblog on the way in which hospital notes are now sent to India for typing.
SpyBlog on the desire of John Reid to have the Army involved in the "training" of young offenders and the email leaked to The Guardian. Why has no one else been commenting upon it?
And that’s it, the Britblog Roundup for this week. Until next time:
Toodle Pip!
July 23, 2006 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink
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BRITBLOG ROUNDUP is now up at Tim Worstall! [Read More]
Tracked on Jul 27, 2006 4:13:51 AM
Hello there,
Thank you for including me in the Brot-blog round up. I am honoured and proud!
BiBi x
Posted by: BiBi Cambridge | Jul 23, 2006 10:05:13 PM
Lulu is mostly a bad thing Timmy, for mostly bad writers with mostly too much money and a proportionally small amount of drive. Oh well. Not to appear ungrateful mind :)
Posted by: Matt | Jul 24, 2006 10:57:42 AM
May I echo BiBi's sentiments. (BTW are you IN Cambridge BiBi darling, or just CALLED Cambridge?)
Your inclusion, Tim, of my modest offering may be responsible for my acquiring a new reader.
Kindest regards
Audrey Wylfing
Posted by: Audrey Wylfing | Jul 25, 2006 2:23:03 PM