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June 26, 2006
The Bill of Rights
The Boy Dave is going to create a Bill of Rights:
The Tories will try to outflank Labour on law and order today by promising to tear up the Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights.
That’s odd. Don’t we already have one?
June 26, 2006 in Law | Permalink
Ah, but nobody likes to mention that one. Why? Because then the masses might realise just how much the poli-whores have been trampling their rights for decades.
Can't have the proles finding out that a lot of the legislation passed by both parties was actually illegal, can we.
Posted by: The Remittance Man | Jun 26, 2006 12:11:36 PM
The idea surely is to scrap the Eurolaw and then kick the new BoR into the long grass, a la House of Lords reform.
Anyone spot the announcement last week where the Tories said they would rescind the identity card legislation and spend the 15bn on new prisons. Sounds like a vote-winner to me!
Posted by: Rub-a-dub | Jun 26, 2006 8:01:48 PM
No, the idea on DC's part is simply to simultaneously pander to the tabloid loons' insane belief that the HRA is harmful or gets in the way of terrorism *and* to the general, less insane suspicion that NuLab are taking away our freedoms.
The idea of what he'll actually *do* doesn't arise - we'd need to see some very bizarre and surprising developments before the Tories could win the next election. Like, a massive recession, Gordon Brown being caught with a rent boy, a war on Iran and the Tories not screwing up (obviously the last is the least probable) - all at the same time.
And given that DC is the most spin-driven and dishonest politician ever to lead a major party, it's certain that even if they did win, this policy would have been abandoned in favour of whatever the papers say next week.
Posted by: john b | Jun 26, 2006 9:00:55 PM
That should be "or gets in the way of the struggle against terrorism", obviously.
Posted by: john b | Jun 26, 2006 9:02:52 PM