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May 14, 2006

Britblog Roundup # 65

Pensionable age already is our little roundup of your nominations of the interesting and must see posts of the week.

You can make your nominations for next week by emailing them to britblog AT gmail DOT com.

Something odd out in LiveJournal Space. The comments become increasingly bizzare (and funny).

In contrast The Sharpener is highly informative on Italian politics. Not as funny but everything you need to know to understand the subject.

Adloyada on the proposed boycott of Israeli universities and academics. Her predictions seem, sadly, to be coming true.

EU Referendum on how The Boy Cameron is simply playing gesture politics. He’s not actually capable of doing what he says he will.

Liberal England on the Lib Dem results in the local elections. The end of the incremental strategy looms perhaps?

Twenty Major spots one glaring flaw in our immigration legislation.

Militant Moderate on why mercy is being shown to Ming. It’s in the Labour Party’s interest to have an ineffective buffoon as leader of the Lib Dems.

SuzBlog rather surprisingly cheers on the removal of Brain Haw. My own opinion has been that after the fiasco of their passing the law that didn’t apply to him he should be preserved as a national monument to the incompetence of our Masters.

Charlie Whitaker on the joy that is Radio Reid.

Francis on the cabbie the BBC used as an expert. One bit I hadn’t realised: the real expert was sitting in the lobby watching it!

The Filter is all over Mission Impossible III. Read it after or instead of seeing it, not before.

Harry Hutton gets two mentions this week. His muse has very definitely returned.

Oscar provides more Gnus on the Assisted Dying Bill.

Jawbox (new blog to me, worth a good look round I’d say) on the Human Rights Act. No, it isn’t anything to do with the EU.

The Anglo Saxon Chronicle brings us news of the car of the future. This is about the EU.

Guido writes at The Dodge’s place on Blair and the reshuffle.

Quite bizzare and most enjoyable. Pertinent, even penetrating, political analysis written by a fluffy elephant from the Millenium Dome.

A bit of local campaigning here. Save the Ribble! And why not?

A new hobby arrives! Killing phishing websites. Good man, a public service indeed. (Actually, need to get this guy in on the new project.)

Philobiblon has recovered from the election and is reading Dampier on discovering a new animal. Natalie also provides a review of Coriolanus at The Globe.

Early Modern Notes would like some help in compiling a database of research papers.

Who were the four greatest of the Ancient Greeks? Add your picks.

Do animals have souls? And if so, what are the implications?

A tale of the bib that does up at the side. Purple Elephants reminices.

A very good point indeed. Why stick the word England on the St. George’s Cross? It’s the bleedin’ national flag already!

Diamond Geezer on those West Ham fans who couldn’t get to Cardiff.

Tom Reynolds on the joys of his working life. No, really, this is one of the joys.

Camden Lady is blogging the performance of her green investment portfolio.

And that, for this week, is it, so until next time:

Toodle Pip!

May 14, 2006 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink


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The first part of Tims weekly dose of bloggy goodness (Britblog Review #65) is available for perusal, from which I find my attention drawn to Suzblogs comments on the decision of the Appeal Court to rule in favour of the government... [Read More]

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