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April 23, 2006

More Glorious NHS

I like to make fun of Simon Jenkins (thought to be getting north of 250k in wages and perks from The Guardian) but there is a good reason why he makes the big bucks. This piece in The Sunday Times for example. As a basic description of the lunacy behind NHS re-organisations over the past two decades it can’t be beat. Worth a read through the whole thing.

Essentially, the latest round of reforms are repeating the Thatcher ones of the late 80s...which were torn up in 1997 simply because clearly, nothing she had done was good enough for Nu Lab.

April 23, 2006 in Health Care | Permalink


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The Grauniad actually recommending a return to pre-NHS style health system? I had to read the whole thing twice before I could believe it. If Mr Jenkins wasn't such a highly regarded employee (six figure salary and perks) I'd be predicting his early departure from that august organ.


Tim adds: Do keep up RM. Sundays he’s in The Times. Well, The Sunday Times, anyway.

Posted by: The Remittance Man | Apr 23, 2006 10:40:24 AM

For once, I think that Tony Blair was absolutely right to reject the charge that he is "presiding over the biggest administrative chaos in the NHS' history".

"Chaos" seems a frivolously understated description of the current situation.

Posted by: Bob B | Apr 23, 2006 11:45:34 AM

OK My bad. That'll teach me to comment before the coffee kicks in.


Posted by: The Remittance Man | Apr 23, 2006 2:45:35 PM

I think I now understand why Jeff Randal - the new business editor at the Telegraph who moved there from the BBC - routinely refers now to our health minister as Patricia Hewittless:

"The head of the Royal College of Nursing rubbished a boast by Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt that the NHS was enjoying its 'best year ever'. Dr Beverly Malone, General Secretary of the RCN, said if this was the best year ever she would 'dread to think' what a worse one would be like. She claimed that nurses losing their jobs and patients having to make long journeys for treatment would not recognise the picture painted by Ms Hewitt."

Posted by: Bob B | Apr 23, 2006 4:43:26 PM

I'm still surprised he's paid such a handsome sum by the Gaurdian though, it implies they approve of his opinions if nothing else. Or is he the token right wing loon on the payroll just to prove the paper is "balanced"?


Posted by: The Remittance Man | Apr 24, 2006 7:49:10 AM

The most amazing thing about it all is that the evil Broon is seemingly emerging unscathed from all of this

Posted by: Mark T | Apr 24, 2006 10:46:37 AM

The latest:

"Children with cancer and leukaemia are among the frontline victims of sweeping cuts being forced through to contain the health service's ballooning financial deficits, nurses' leaders warned last night."

Predictably, Patricia Hewittless is playing the old Blair card trick - it's all due to modernisation of the NHS, which must go on.

Anyone opened a book yet on who the next health minister will be?

Posted by: Bob B | Apr 24, 2006 5:39:33 PM