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April 09, 2006

David Cameron: Do Well by Doing Good

David Cameron wowed the people at the Conservative Party’s Spring Bonkathon (that is the only reason people go to these party conferences) with this list of the ways in which each individual activist can help to make the world a better place.

  1. Take the bus when you can
  2. Get to know your neighbours better
  3. Pick up one piece of litter from the street everyday
  4. Re-use your plastic bags when you go to the shops
  5. Switch to energy efficiency light bulbs at home
  6. Reduce your thermostat by 2 degrees
  7. Support your local shopkeepers
  8. Don't overfill your kettle
  9. Fill out a donor card
  10. Give blood.

Stunning, don’t you think? Let’s try this again with comments:

  1. Take the bus when you can

I could go and take the bus right now. Go off to the airport perhaps, maybe downtown Lisbon, Sintra even.  The thing is, right now I don’t actually want to go to any of those places. So how does my taking the bus when I can really help anything at all?

  1. Get to know your neighbours better

My wife would have certain objections to becoming any more intimate than I already am with our neighbours. As I would her.

  1. Pick up one piece of litter from the street everyday

One piece? The cops’ll put me in jail! Two dogs, two walks a day, minimum 6 per day pooper scooper moments. You mean I should leave the other five where they are and risk the fines?

  1. Re-use your plastic bags when you go to the shops

See above. Not many shops like you carrying in used doggie doo bags, into which you are now going to place their finest products. I’ll admit to being not all that keen on the practice myself.

  1. Switch to energy efficiency light bulbs at home

Do you actually think that your supporters and activists are morons? I’ll agree that others might think so but you’re not supposed to. If "energy efficiency " (and that should be energy efficient, surely) light bulbs save the punter money then of course the punter will already be using them. If they don’t save the punter money then why should they switch?

  1. Reduce your thermostat by 2 degrees

Why 2 o? Why not 4? or 3? or 1.006? More importantly, why do you want me to increase my energy bills by turning up the A/C?

  1. Support your local shopkeepers

As, when, and whenever they provide me with that mixture of service, selection, price and convenience that I desire at that point in time. Or am I supposed to stop acting in my own enlightened self interest?

  1. Don't overfill your kettle


  1. Fill out a donor card


  1. Give blood.

Me? Sorry, bad advice, I’d contaminate the supply.

Can we make a better list? Suggestions in the comments.

1) The State is not your friend.
2) Governments and taxation are necessary evils, not desirable aims or goals.
3) Free speech is indivisible.
4) No bloody ID Cards.
.......you get the picture.

April 9, 2006 in Politics | Permalink


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I think he got the idea from that Baz Lurhman "Sunscreen" record.

Posted by: dsquared | Apr 9, 2006 2:59:53 PM

Your problem, Tim, is that you're very Conservative. Nothing wrong with that, but it appears to be the last thing the British people want from the Conservative Party.

You must have forgotten to fast-forward, silly.

PS What's with the poker? That's not what I come to this blog to read.

Your problem, Tim, is that you're very Conservative. Nothing wrong with that, but it appears to be the last thing the British people want from the Conservative Party.

Tim adds: The poker thing was spam, not gone.

As to the other thing, I’m neither Conservative nor conservative. I’m a Classical Liberaland as such a radical...for we’re a long way from anything close to a classically liberal polity.

Posted by: FiahAreFun | Apr 9, 2006 3:12:44 PM

Is David Cameron channeling Mister Rogers?

Posted by: Pat Patterson | Apr 9, 2006 3:33:36 PM

Erm, far be it from me to point it out, but you don't live in Britain, do you?

The buses here are much more useful. I could catch one to either the centre of Bath, or the outlying village of Larkhall. These are both places I would definitely like to go right now, because I'm dying for some hair of dog!

Tim adds: I didn’t realise you were in Bath though. ’Tis my home town as well. My flat is in the centre of town, opposite the Assembly Inn. And Larkhall is where Clive Davis comes from. Titchy world sometimes, eh?

Posted by: N.I.B. | Apr 9, 2006 5:30:33 PM

When Mrs Umbongo saw this wonderful recipe to improve the world, she broke into a chorus of "Kumbaya" and, do you know, I joined in. Then the whole street joined in and from London to the world, everyone of goodwill joined hands and sang their hearts out.

Posted by: Umbongo | Apr 9, 2006 6:43:03 PM

No matter how drunk and ravenous you are, don't eat the hairy stuff you found in the Tupperware at the back of the fridge.

P.S. I have actually been thrown out of a blood donation clinic. Apparently, with my history, it's a wonder I'm still alive. Unclean! Unclean! Idiots.

Posted by: auntymarianne | Apr 9, 2006 7:29:48 PM

All very amusing, except of course his speech was nothing like your precis, and he did in fact give the clearest signal against ID cards yet, with a commitment to get rid of them if NuLab bring them in.

Tim adds: Tsk, tsk. I didn’t comment on the speech, only the leaflet.

That committment to get rid of ID cards. How clear it it? Why isn’t it being broadcast ffrom the rooftops?

Posted by: Graeme Archer | Apr 9, 2006 11:45:26 PM

I'm a Tory-in-exile in the United States, and I don't recognize this party. Cameron is, if this could be possible, arguably more vacuous than Blair.

What a waste. Brown will take Britain back to 1978.

Posted by: Martin Hague | Apr 10, 2006 12:27:25 AM