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March 05, 2006
Britblog Roundup # 55
Apologies in advance this week, this is a fairly short Britblog Roundup. I’m afraid my own additions this week have been severely curtailed by the pressure of time. So, please don’t forget that you can make your nominations by emailing the URL of your favourite post of the week to britblog At gmail DOT com. It will thus appear next week.
First up is this from Marcia Adair. Sounds like Mark Oaten was in Manchester a few years back. Or something like that anyway.
Rather more seriously the Metropolitan Police have woken up to blogging. World Weary Detective is therefore closing down. What with the powers that be breathing down his neck it’s just not worth the candle. Yet another sad day for free speech.
Adloyada goes after the BBC for their interview with David Irving from his jail cell.
Caustic Angel with a delightful exploration of the difference between Fat and fat. I’m sure there’s a Dawn French joke in there struggling to get out.
NHSBlogDoctor on the new law in South Dakota banning almost all abortions. As usual with his posts, thoughtful, clearly written, well argued. And as usual with this subject, likely to change no one’s mind at all. A pity.
Chicken Yoghurt with a super little piece about Ms. Jowell and the hedge funds. Or cheques. Or mortgages. Well, whatever it is she didn’t know about.
Craig Murray on the same subject. Best pun so far: Invest in a TESSA. Richard’s comment is great too:
It's all very easy for you to criticise, Craig, but in these perilous times tough choices have to be made. The rules of the game are changing, and if the only way to guarantee the safety and security of hardworking families is for our politicians to pocket £350,000 bungs and then lie about it afterwards, then I for one am glad that we have a government willing to bite the bullet.
Kitty Killer on the decline of the mass television audience. There’s a point in there, a political one.
Matthew is disturbingly funny. I know that us gingers have to laugh at ourselves so as to join in with the rest of the human race but this is, as I say, disturbingly well done.
Natalie Bennett reviews the Searching for Shakespeare exhibition. In short "It’s Brilliant".
Philobiblion on early modern treatments of breast cancer. Both gruesome and informative and a welcome counter point to those who glorify "the old days".
Minerva on the current treatments: yes, discover more of the joys of the NHS.
Gendergeek makes a point about feminism and then, rather unfortunately perhaps to my mind, immediately undermines it. Others may well disagree.
Redemption Blues with a story of a visit to a B&B in deepest darkest England.
Jane Tomlinson with a righteous call to arms. The campaign for Proper Pants for Women.
Uncarved on an interesting little pamphlet. One part of which is a study of the use of the word fuck in Linux source code. Go on, geekier readers, you know you want to.
El Freelancero (someone I should probably be reading a great deal more) on the Ken Livingstone nonsense.
Inkycircus has a very good post, very good indeed, on the relative risks of drugs like the COX 2 inhibitors.
The Future is a Foreign Country lays out his basic vision of the EU and the modern world. I should add that he sent me a copy of his book and I have’t yet got round to posting a review of it, coming shortly.
Sunny at Pickled Politics has an intruiging answer to the problems of animal testing.Simply test everything on humans instead.
Dodgeblogium on another animal experiment, Frogenstein. It’s interactive and you can play with it too!
Ken Owen on the blogs input into the Ming election. Not a lot by his estimation. Might be the slightest froideur between him and his blogging companion over his views on the Huhne site.
And that’s it, this week’s Britblog Roundup. Entries for next week’s to britblog At gmail DOT com and until then:
Toodle Pip!
March 5, 2006 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink
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Tracked on Mar 19, 2006 2:45:01 AM
Grah, new I'd forgotten something yesterday. For the benefit of those that read the comments, this on the Snow in Summer was rather fine I thought.
Nice round up as ever Tim, must remember to send my nominations in next Saturday...
Posted by: MatGB | Mar 5, 2006 8:13:57 PM
I do wish you had kept the efforts of Marcia Adair to yourself.
Posted by: ziz | Mar 5, 2006 9:18:56 PM