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February 19, 2006

Britblog Roundup # 53

Welcome to the first Britblog Roundup of the second year of the run. As always, nominations for the next issue can be sent to britblog AT gmail DOT com. Any subject, any point of view, simply what is, in your opinion, the best blogging from the nations of these isles.

First up is something offensive, vulgar, objectionable and extremely funny. Yes, Harry Hutton is back on form. This had more nominations than anything else this week:

Hitler had his faults, of course, as he himself would be the first to admit. Many of his “Nazi theories” have now been debunked. With the benefit of hindsight his invasion of Russia was ill-conceived, and his scheme to exterminate the “lesser races” has been widely discredited.

But once you accept his premises –lebensraum, the supremacy of the Ayran race, etc.- his actions did have a kind of loony logic. He meant well. Blair, on the other hand, is working single-mindedly for the triumph of Evil. Only when you have grasped this do his policies make any sense.

He’s on a bit of a roll actually so scroll around a bit.

Just as funny is The Religious Policeman. Are emoticons haram? The failed suicide bomber and much else:

I haven't a clue, in Quran class, I was the one who used to skip to the back to see if it had a happy ending.

Simply a wonderful line there.

Great Britain, Not Little England follows on from Harry. Just how do we get rid of the Nu Lab control freaks?

Nosemonkey at Europhobia on just what those very control freaks have done. If Parliament is supreme and people like that are in control of it, what safeguards do we have? None apparently.

Rachel from North London on Operation Crevice. No, the 7/7 bombers were not clean skins, yes, more was known about them than we’ve so far been told.

To change the subject completely, Liberal England on who was the best Miss Marple?

Militant Moderate is angry with Michael Crick’s hatchet job on Chris Huhne. Being bright and financially successful shouldn’t be a bar to leading a British political party (although history doesn’t seem to throw up too many examplars).

SuzBlog does some direct reporting from the campaign trail in the Lib Dem Leadership race. This is something I hope we’ll see more of, bloggers reporting rather than, like most of us most of the time, interpreting.

Perfect.co.uk on the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill. That one that does away with the need for Parliament. Just as an aside, that letter to The Times they quote came as a result of a Danny Finkelstein piece on the subject....which came from his reading a blog post about it. We may not be changing much yet but we are informing the debate.

Over at The Filter Norman Foster gets a good kicking for his patronising claptrap. Couldn’t happen to a nicer man.

At "A very clever and exciting place for words to live" we are being treated to a surreal masterpiece. The history of the letters. Seriously odd.

Judy at Adloyada is incenced by the BBC’s treatment of David Irving. Rightly so.

Planet Potato provides a restaurant review. One of the useful type. i.e, avoid this place like the plague. He’d like a little help pushing it up Google.

The Yorkshire Ranter is showing you specifically what not to do (really, you really don’t want to send long faxes to the numbers he gives) in dealing with comment spam. Really, really really, he doesn’t want you to do any of the things he mentions.

Natalie Bennett hosts the History Carnival and also a review of a little known London museum, Ben Franklin House.

Lady Bracknell Lives! Here giving a short language lesson:

However, should an individual say that he is "feeling down", he should be aware that what he is actually saying is that he is currently enjoying a somewhat intimate relationship with a duck.

Gendergeek is less than happy with the launch of the Office Pirates site.

Antonia Bance on the Urban Grimshaw. As she says:

The complete failure of any mainstream service to do anything for these children was shocking. Eventually Urban gets some education, but it’s from the narrator, and finally, from an innovative voluntary project. He’s refused medical treatment and dental care because the authorities can’t keep up with the movements of his chaotic childhood wit hhis drug-addicted mother. The social workers that appear are humourless and unable to adapt their one-size-fits-all approach in any way.

Mind the Gap provides us with the Confessions of a Binge Eater.

Adventures in Ethical Consumerism:

We are a voluntary organisation offering free internet, free events, free workshops, a cheap rehearsal space and a cheap darkroom. We run a cheap & healthy vegetarian/vegan café with an emphasis on Fairtrade, organic and local food & drink. We enrich our lives by freely giving our time to this project. And we believe in the value of providing free and accessible facilities for artists and anyone who is willing to learn.

But are we a bunch of leftists? No. Absolutely not.

Worth checking out that statement.

inkycircus looks at the legalization of organ sales for transplant and isn’t convinced. Mr S&M is convinced and is in favour.

And that’s it, this week’s Britblog Roundup. More fun and games next week and until then:

Toodle Pip!

February 19, 2006 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink


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» Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew from Antonia's blog
Yesterday I linked to a Guardian article about an excluded boy. Reading the article, his prospects seemed unpromising, and his aspirations tiny. Today, I have just finished the book Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew, written by a resident of an e... [Read More]

Tracked on Apr 3, 2006 3:03:51 PM


Harry Hutton: "Blair, on the other hand, is working single-mindedly for the triumph of Evil. Only when you have grasped this do his policies make any sense."

The problem with Harry Hutton's (undeniably appealing) diagnosis is that it assumes without justification that there is some rational or causal linkage between Blair's political intentions and his policies. However, several estimable commentators have already directly or indirectly questioned that crucial underpinning assumption.

Readers may recall that the late Woy Jenkins, at one time Blair's mentor, gave up on the unequal task after concluding that Blair had a second class mind. Others public cerebrals, like Simon Jenkins, came to similar conclusions. Ted Honderich was quite explicit:

"Honderich is also a consequentialist, which partly explains his hatred towards Tony Blair. 'He is always asking to be judged by the morality of his intentions,' he spits. 'He doesn't understand that no one cares about his fucking morality. We judge him by the consequences of his actions. In any case, his morality is so muddy and ill-considered. I'm increasingly coming to the opinion that Blair's main problem is that he's not very bright.'"

"Ted Honderich argues that Prime Minister Tony Blair is morally responsible for atrocities in Iraq and should resign."

Honderich is Grote professor emeritus of mind and logic at UCL, a chair previously held at various times by AJ Ayer, Strawson . .

Posted by: Bob B | Feb 19, 2006 8:15:39 PM