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January 08, 2006

Britblog Roundup # 47

Once more into the Blog, dear friends!

Yes, the 47 th Britblog Roundup is now open for business. As always, you can make your nominations for next week’s by  emailing the URL of your favourite post by a British or Irish blogger to britblog AT gmail DOT com.

As a side note I’ve been enjoying this so much in the near year I’ve been doing it that there is a new and wondrous project on the horizon. We’re still playing around with code and servers and stuff but we’ll be testing something in the next week or so. More news later!

First up has to be this sent in from Suzblog. She spotted that The Honourable Fiend is back blogging. Which is nice, but she also pointed to this post where HF is taking this micky out of a certain LibDem style blogger. Nothing more British than being able to take a joke now is there?

On the subject of jokes Twenty Major presents a new turn on an old one.

Noreen at Emerald Bile provides some career advice. ’Tis true what she says, that is what the really clever people get paid to do.

The Scaryduck is running a Dead Pool. He’s already bagged Ariel but plenty of other celebrities out there for you to pick.

Strange Stuff is unfortunately not joking. A tale of what could happen to you if you were, say, to fall afoul of the various changes in law pushed through in recent years.

Adloyada on being in Tel Aviv the day Sharon’s stroke was announced. It appears that even those who loathed him thought he was finally doing the right thing in Gaza.

Owen Barder is less than impressed with Daisy McAndrews over the Charles Kennedy revelations. To precis, the revelation of an open secret to support a flagging career.

Trust People on quite how patrician Davind Cameron seems to be. Chocolate bars indeed.

The Englishman’s Castle has been collecting (or his comments have been filling) with clerihews and haikus on Cameron and Kennedy. Some are remarkably good and as Tim says, it’s often the comments where the true gems are.

Liberal England ascribes Maggie’s electoral victories to her cancelling o school milk. Thinking abck he might actually be right.

Further to the Craig Murray story Brian Barder has been responding to the various comments and so on. Interesting to see a former Ambassador discussing such things, not what we’re likely to see, at this level of detail anyway, anywhere other than on a blog.

Over at The Filter a wander through the Fair Trade v. free trade question. The conclusion makes sense to me. As long as it’s voluntary it’s a good idea as fair trade must, by definition, be increasing the utility of the purchaser. If it’s not voluntary, then just as with free trade, it doesn’t.

The Geek of P  sees  Ginger Charlie as a participant in a Shakespearean  tragedy. I think.

Gorgeous George is of course news this week with his, well, Fair Vote Watch, Chikky Yoggy, Dead Men Left and Mr. Eugenides all have (and no doubt hundreds of others too) their takes on it. You might also want to read the comments at Pickled Politics. Who’s he going to shag first sort of thing.

Something you might want to keep an eye on, the 12 Icons of England. The usual crappy government blather but there might be some interesting comments. Starts tomorrow.

Philobiblion with a welcome dose of common sense. Women are not "forgetting" to have children, they’re deciding not to. Natalie also reviews A Man For All Seasons (so terribly appropriate what with recent leagla changes).

This is a little late for this week but far too good not to include. Webwabbiting on the Sapphic Solstice.

Gendergeek is less than impressed with the idea of tagging deadbeat dads. Why are these debts different from others?

Mind The Gap provides a run down of their recent activity.

The Law West of Ealing Broadway on  creative ways to deal with animal cruelty charges. Such as pollution laws.

And finally, meditations on the writer’s life from VixenGirl.

And that’s it, the Britblog Roundup for another week. Send in your entries for next week and until then,

Toodle Pip!

January 8, 2006 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink


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I can't agree with your comment on Sharon. In Israel, amongst the Jewish population, he may have widespread support and the Bush
administration have certainly backed him.

But I doubt very much that he is viewed with anything other than suspicion elsewhere.

I suspect that had he continued in office, his support might have ebbed as at present both hardliners and more moderate figures were able to see the withdrawal from Gaza as meaning different things.

Once his intentions towards a deal over the West Bank were revealed, it would have been much harder for him to maintain his current level of support from the different groupinngs within Israel.


Posted by: james C | Jan 8, 2006 2:43:49 PM

Nice blog

Posted by: mynewsbot | Jan 12, 2006 7:30:45 PM