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December 09, 2005
Operation Firedump
One instructions from the master himself, The Yorkshire Ranter, my mirrorball posting of Operation Firedump.
Tag viktor bout operation fireball
Earlier this week, the US Department of the Treasury's order to freeze the assets of a variety of Viktor Bout companies was extended to the entire world by the UN Security Council's sanctions committee. All assets belonging to the persons and organisations named in this list are now subject to confiscation anywhere in the world. The list is, certainly, a little out of date. Several of the operating companies listed have ceased activity, and there is no mention of Phoenix Aviation, Jet Line International, or Aerocom among others. (The delay between the US Treasury's action and this action is apparently due to the time it took the Office of Foreign Assets Control to pass on documents to the UN, that and Russian objections to the inclusion of Viktor's brother, Sergei, founder of Air Bas and CET Aviation.) However, a non-trivial number of aircraft continue to fly in the name of firms named by the UN. This leaves two lines of action: one, to identify the newer firms, and two, to make the UN blacklist a reality. It's time to find these aircraft and demand their seizure. All bloggers are invited to mirror this and help land them on the fire dump, which is where most of these planes will end up given their age and general condition. The list is currently as follows, correct as of today:
UN-76497, Ilyushin 76-D. Serial number 43402039. This is probably the aircraft referred to in the UN list with MoldTransavia, and is now with GST Aero, repeatedly referred to in UNSC Expert Panel reports. It was also involved in the events detailed here. The most recent photo is here. SANTA CRUZ IMPERIAL EL-AHO, Ilyushin 18D. Serial number 183006205. EL-ASC, Antonov 12BP. Serial number 3340909. EL-ASJ, Antonov 12BP. Serial number 402112 (doubtful) EL-AHT, Antonov 26A. Serial number 6004 (doubtful) EL-ALC, Antonov 26A. Serial number 87307104. EL-ALT, Antonov 26A. Serial number 17311805. No recent photos available. IRBIS AIR COMPANY UN-42428, Yakovlev 42D. Serial number 45204223046. Recent photo here. (Leased to Sudan Airways, believed operating to Iraq) UN-75002, Ilyushin 18D. Serial number 185008603. Recent photo here. UN-75003, Ilyushin 18D. Serial number 184006903. Recent photo here. UN-75004, Ilyushin 18D. Serial number 186009202. Not very recent photo here. UN-75005, Ilyushin 18D. Serial number 187010204. Recent photo here. UN-26582, Antonov 26B. Serial number 47313504. No photo since 2002. (Leased to Ariana Afghan Airlines) AIR BAS 3C-KKO, Antonov 12BP. Serial number 1901706 (No photos available) GAMBIA NEW MILLENIUM C5-GNM, Ilyushin 62M. Serial number 3036142. Recent photo here. SAN AIR GENERAL TRADING 3C-QRF, BAC-111. Serial number 61. Not very recent photo here. (Operated for SAGT, owned Jetline International) TRANS AVIATION GLOBAL UN-B7201, Boeing 727. Serial number 22045. Recent photo here. UN-B2707, Boeing 727F. Serial number 21861. No photos yet. UN-B****, Boeing 727. Serial number 22046. Recent photo here.
Notes: Most of the Santa Cruz aircraft are probably beyond finding, but even negative information is worth having. Air Bas has largely been closed down at least as aircraf t registration is concerned - 3C-KKO is the last known active aircraft in their name. 727 no. 22046 was last seen undergoing considerable engineering work and may not look much like its photo.
What you can do: 1). Mirror this post. 2) If and when a plane is located, tell the world. 3) Demand its confiscation - try the civil aviation authority of the country in question. Post what you said, and the contact for the person you said it to. 4) Encourage others to do so.
December 9, 2005 in Scams and Frauds | Permalink
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