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November 13, 2005

Spontaneous HIV Cure?

I’m wary of this story:

A MAN who tested positive for HIV, the virus that causes Aids, has subsequently shown up negative for the disease in a case that has mystified doctors.

It was claimed last night that Andrew Stimpson, 25, may have shaken off the virus with his own immune system after contracting HIV in 2002.

The doctors point out that it really was his test and that it was accurate, as are the subsequent ones showing that he’s no longer infected.

Why am I wary? Because I think that a mistake in the diagnosis is the most likely explanation....but it’s true that I’m only wary, not dismissive. Given the variation in the human gene pool I would think it entirely extraordinary if absolutely no one could conquer this or any other infectious disease. Is there actually any disease which is 100% fatal? From which no one ever recovers?

Other than life itself of course.

November 13, 2005 in Health Care | Permalink


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Could be they got his test mixed up with that of a Norwegian Blue.

Posted by: Rod the Brit | Nov 13, 2005 11:24:52 AM

As far as I know, it isn't the first case. A few people have spontaneously 'cured themselves' in the past as well.

Posted by: Andrew | Nov 13, 2005 1:12:58 PM

I'm looking forward to Pat Robertson announcing to the world that God has changed his mind about homosexuals.

Posted by: kenzdawg | Nov 14, 2005 9:16:42 AM