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October 17, 2005

The Dangers of Gardening.

Wonder the poor man didn’t get an ASBO for gardening with menace:

Over the past few months, Mr Everton has busied himself in his community, tending to plants, clearing weeds, maintaining hanging baskets and painting fences. He has cheerfully cut grass, tilled flower beds and removed litter and dog mess. He has even built a patio. He has done all the work for free - unasked and unprompted. And with a smile on his face. In another world, he is just the sort of bloke you would expect to win one of those unsung heroes awards or to be nominated for an OBE in the people's honours' list.

But that is not going to happen when the top team from our council is about. CANAcT? These swish community superheroes certainly can. Last week, determined to maintain order in sheltered housing, they issued Mr Everton with a notice banning him from the following disagreeable activities: mowing the lawn, making compost, having bonfires, painting doors and growing vegetables in any communal area. Furthermore, the team informed him that in future he must have written consent, lodged with the council, from any neighbour before he does any work for them. Hah: that showed him.

Yes, this is what your tax money is being spent on. Banning those who show up the State from continuing to do so.

October 17, 2005 in Your Tax Money at Work | Permalink


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