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August 04, 2005

BlogAds UK.

Anyone interested in running ads on their blogs?

I’ve teamed up with BlogAds to set up a mini-network of UK (and Irish) blogs running BlogAds. As always with this system you get to decide whether to accept or reject a specific ad. You also set your own prices.

Obviously at first it’ll be the same USD based ads appearing. But I’m hoping that by offering people an agglomeration, a network that privides 50,000 or 100,000 impressions a day we’ll be able to get some of the UK advertisers interested in advertising on UK blogs.

(We agreed on doing this about 90 minutes ago. We’ve got 10,000 impressions a day signed up already.)

In this first iteration I can take 30 blogs into the network. Obviously traffic is a consideration as to whether you get one of those first 30. It’ll expand a little later as well.

Money ain’t great. $10 / $20 per ad per week is usual, unless you’ve got very good traffic. Maximum of 6 ads in the strip. I’m hoping that the money will rise if we can get UK advertisers interested.

If you’re already a BlogAds member you can still join, but you’ll have to run another ad strip.

Let me know in the comments if you’re interested.

Friday morning update. Couple of wrinkles I need to work out with BlogAds (specifically about how blogs with less than 3,000 page views a week can join in but there’s a workable solution in the offing) but it does look like this will work.

Daily page views of those already on board. 25,000.

August 4, 2005 in Weblogs | Permalink


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» BlogAds UK from A Welsh View
Tim Worstall has teamed up with BlogAds to set up a mini-network of UK (and Irish) blogs running BlogAds. I was unsuccessful when I tried to join BlogAds earlier this year but I will be joining BlogAds UK when Tim [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 4, 2005 8:16:42 PM


Sure, I'll run ads; anything for a bit of cash. This starting-up-your-own-business lark doesn't pay all the bills yet...

How would I tell how many hits a day I get? Is there an easy way (or do I have to get a site counter from somewhere.

Posted by: Devil's Kitchen | Aug 4, 2005 5:38:41 PM

Sure, I'll run ads; anything for a bit of cash. This starting-up-your-own-business lark doesn't pay all the bills yet...

How would I tell how many hits a day I get? Is there an easy way (or do I have to get a site counter from somewhere)?

Posted by: Devil's Kitchen | Aug 4, 2005 5:39:21 PM

Times is hard so sign me up!

Posted by: Tim | Aug 4, 2005 6:04:34 PM

Yup. I'm interested.

Posted by: Peter Briffa | Aug 4, 2005 6:14:48 PM

Yep, I will run any add for a product or service, legal elsewhere in the world but banned by the EU, I will sell them in pounds and ounces, miles and furlongs, gallons quarts, pints, yards, feet and inches. Bendy bananas, curly cucumbers, tobacco, and as much as it may pain me, even microsoft media player.

Posted by: Anoneumouse | Aug 4, 2005 10:21:45 PM

Forgot to mention, I will advertise products and services banned by the EU for free

Posted by: Anoneumouse | Aug 4, 2005 10:32:52 PM


Got traffic?

Yes, and I think mine is quality - journos and politicos - alright mine is dregs.

Have never figured out how to monetise it. Experimented with Amazon (£23.00), Google (£0.00).

I think sponsorship is the way forward. (We have discussed this..)

Do you want a Blogad, or do you want to make 50,000 impressions on these type of people...

Posted by: Guido Fawkes | Aug 4, 2005 11:21:49 PM

How's that going to work then? Click-through or standard, or don't you know yet? Still, a few extra pence a year may be of use - consider me a possible, depending on details. That'd be an extra 1.5 grand or so, page impression-wise.

Posted by: Nosemonkey | Aug 4, 2005 11:24:38 PM

Hmm, a mere 55 hits today; only 6 were me though...

Posted by: Devil's Kitchen | Aug 5, 2005 12:51:09 AM


This is BooMan of http://www.boomantribune.com. I also run a sister site called http://www.eurotrib.com. It's known as European Tribune and the editor is Jerome a Paris.

We have about 18,000-20,000 page impressions per week.

We are very interested in joining a UK blogads group.

Posted by: BooMan | Aug 8, 2005 5:51:57 PM

Tim, count me in...

Posted by: Robin Grant | Aug 8, 2005 7:07:35 PM

Are we British enough for you?

Posted by: David Weman | Aug 9, 2005 12:32:55 AM

Is this up and running? I looked for it at BlogAds but couldn't find it.

Posted by: Ian Ross | Mar 21, 2009 8:24:12 PM