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July 06, 2005

Glorious Europa!

Further details of the glories that accompany our new Europa:

So far, no Eurostat official has been punished for the diversion of £3m of taxpayer funds into illegal accounts over three years ago in a scam described as a "vast enterprise of looting" by investigators.

All the accused - mostly French officials - are still working for the EU or have retired with full pensions.

But the EU accountant who helped uncover the Eurostat abuses, Dorte Schmidt-Brown, fled home to Denmark after being subjected to a campaign of threats and harassment.
Yesterday the European Court of First Instance refused her claim for redress and ordered her to pay her own costs.

Jens-Peter Bonde, a Danish MEP, said the only two people have ever been "punished" for the affair: the whistleblower herself and the German journalist who broke the story, Hans-Martin Tillack, who was arrested by Belgian police on the basis of charges now proved to have been trumped up by the Commission itself.

The police seized Mr Tillack's computers, telephones, address books and five years of investigative files, exposing his inside sources. In his recent case, the European Court also ruled in favour of Brussels, even though seizure of a reporter's notes are a breach of European human rights law.

and from the City Comment:

A long list of whistleblowers either sacked by EU bodies or driven from their jobs can attest to the nasty reflexes of the Brussels machine, and in every case the EU's tribunals have refused to rectify the injustice. In Mrs Schmidt-Brown's case, it didn't seem to matter that Lord Kinnock, then personnel commissioner, admitted that she had been treated "disgracefully" when she tried to alert her superiors to the Eurostat scam. She was threatened and eventually fled to the safety of Denmark, a traumatised wreck. Eventually she was vindicated after investigators later uncovered "a vast enterprise of looting" at Eurostat.

Over £3m had vanished into illegal accounts and Brussels acknowledged that it had no hope of reaching the truth without a criminal inquiry armed with subpoena power. Yet three year later, nothing has been done. MEPs still have no idea where the money went. The EU investigation has fizzled out, if it ever really started.

So let’s just go over the basics here shall we?

A bunch of Frogs rip off our tax money and the beancounter catches them. The beancounter gets fired and the journalist gets arrested and his notes (illgally) seized. As has been noted from all the previous cases this is the basic modus operandi of the New Europa, the system that will save and protect our continent.

A pox on the lot of them, abolish it now.

Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam.


July 6, 2005 in European Union | Permalink


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