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April 03, 2005

BritBlog Roundup # 7

Time for our weekly roundup of blogging from these misty Isles somewhere in the North Atlantic. The best posts from those citizens of or resident in the four nations are eligible and you can nominate your entries for next week by emailing them to britblog AT gmail DOT com. Remember, it’s what you think is good, from your own blog or from someone else’s, that makes it in. I do add things myself, but only refuse to add entries on the basis of the libel laws (not that that has happened yet).

First up is JohnB of Shot By Both Sides looking at the malnutrition rates in Iraq, sanctions and Oil for Food. Make sure you read the comments.

The Gray Monk (yes, a real monk blogging) is most taken with Rowan Williams and less so with those on the other side of the river. 

William Sjostrom is delightfully vicious about the Terri Schiavo case.

Arthur’s Seat is running a mini-saga contest. Stories of exactly 50 words are required by April 10th, and remember, it’s a lot more difficult to write short than to write long.

Planet Potato reveals the joys associated with a Dublin spring. Hospitals are involved.

Scaryduck (shamefully, I only found this blog this week and it’s been around for yonks, won awards and everything) similarly provides essential spring advice, how to get tea while on one’s summer hols outside these Isles.

Eric the Unread has something to say about a currently prevalent world view.

Squander Two parses a couple of the Nigerian 419 emails, an oft attempted task but rarely as successful as this.

Portadown News is not, strictly speaking, a blog, but you would be foolish to miss it, great satire.

Iain Dale is a proto-politician who’s been blogging his attempt to win election, then his blog gets hacked and spoofed on April 1. Guido Fawkes notes it and gets a screen shot, then a little later is able to solve the crime. I realise that no politician wants advice from me but my suggestion to Iain would be not to sue but to turn it into an after dinner story. We tend to like politicians who can laugh at themselves, an all too rare attribute.

Guido (again), Harry’s Place, the Adam Smith Institute and Political Betting play a gag on the Guardian and their political weblog awards. It’s taken me two days to get it and according to Guido (yet again) the Guardian bought it as well.

Clive Davis catches a very good story about the French philosopher and the American cop.

Nick Barlow catches Geroge Galloway saying what he really thinks and also asks for a plug for his upcoming election blog. Plug.

Mr Free Market channels Barry Beelzebub. Un-PC and gloriously funny. Can someone enlighten me, is Mr FM actually Barry?

Liberal England mulls over Lord of the Flies (no, not the above Barry but the book, fule) and gets it right I think, not something I’d really thought about before.

Mellowchellow introduces himself with some verse:

I am not an active blogger
I am an active blogger’s son
I am busy blogging bloggers
On the 7th planet from the sun.

Its a bugger blogging bloggers
I think its all a farce
but this one is a cracker
Its a real pain in the arse.

and then redeems himself for that doggerel by being entertainingly rude about Dennis MacShame.

Pootergeek reviews the new Anastacia album. (Who she? Covers of Gilbert and Sullivan perhaps? Ed. Gilbert O’ Sullivan?) Yes, yes, we all know that Pooter is very good, but this is very good Pooter a double bonus if you wish.

Alfred the OK continues his campaign to puff up the reputation of Alan Milburn (young snotty Alan Milburn from 2nd year remedial, that is a step up from how most of us view him isn’t it?).

The Virtual Stoa looks at Geoffrey Wheatcroft’s critique of Nu Labours’s language and its similarity to that of Fascism (do go through the link to Harry’s, comments there are good).

Matt T is admirably sarcastic about a journalist correcting an error.

Mark Holland catches an inanity in The Guardian (? !) and also upholds his reputation as the place to go for cycling news. It isn’t all about Lance Armstrong you know.

First hand reporting from Andrew Ian Dodge on the Howard Flight affair first on the meeting then on the outcome.

The Anglo Saxon Chronicle has a message for people in the EU....and read the comments as it does appear that the entire system of fixed penalty tickets is, well, if not illegal, then at least only suspiciously legal.

The Future is a Foreign Country looks at the recent proposal to turn NAFTA into a clone of the EU.

Jarndyce, before fleeing the country for Aosta, left us with this on the INAC.

Jim Bliss also looks over the Flight affair, a somehwat, ahem, different view from that of Andrew above.

And that’s it, that’s the Britblog roundup for this week. Get your entries in for next week to britblog AT gmail DOT com.

I thank you and Good Afternoon!

Update: Further to requests you can now sign up at the Britblog group at Yahoo Groups. This is a pretty simple group, there’s only me allowed to send an email, there’ll be no more than three a week (one or two calls for entries and then the URL for the Roundup itself) so get yourself signed up so that you won’t forget to enter, won’t forget to come see what everyone else is doing.

Update II. Welcome Instapundit readers.  Please do have a look around, while obviously I’d like all of you to read everything on my blog every day, that isn’t the purpose of this Roundup...this is to give people a taste of what is being done by those of us on and from this side of the pond.  Enjoy!

April 3, 2005 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink


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Tim, do you have an email reminder notification for the Roundup set up? I'm useless when it comes to remembering to submit entries on time.

Posted by: sortapundit | Apr 3, 2005 4:43:05 PM

Yeah I echo those sentiments!

Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge | Apr 3, 2005 6:42:49 PM

Well, OK, if someone would be kind enough to tell this old duffer how to do such a thing. Create a new folder in gmail? Something like that?

Posted by: Tim Worstall | Apr 3, 2005 7:14:35 PM

Got to this via Scaryduck and then though his links - Its amazing how many blogs you can surf through - thanks for giving me some direction

Posted by: Mystic Mog | Apr 4, 2005 2:00:02 AM

Easiest way is by setting up a Yahoo group and doing it that way. The Silent Running boys are doing a blogger project and we are kept informed of any updates via this system.

Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge | Apr 4, 2005 10:53:10 AM


Mr B is a columnist for the Bristol Evening Post - goodness only knows how he / they get away with it - a evening paper is a little different from a blog!!

If you scroll down to the bottom of the section, you will find a post setting out an intro to Bazza.

Anyway, I wrote to the paper a long time ago now asking if they minded if I republished Mr B - no response so I went ahead & right clicked.


Tim adds: Oh, I know Mr B is in the Bristle Evening Post. I was just wondering if you were he.

Posted by: Mr Free Market | Apr 4, 2005 1:21:35 PM

I nominated Mr Free Market but only because I missed this http://www.bignjuicy.co.uk/enforcement.htm which is even funnier (sorry Mr FM!)

Posted by: Gareth | Apr 5, 2005 12:53:52 AM