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March 24, 2005
Urgent Blegging!
Wanna give me 90 seconds of your time for my birthday?
Folks, I really, really need your help. I mean reeeeally. No, I don’t want any of your money, that isn’t what this is about. I want 90 seconds of your time. Is that possible?
If you look around this blog you will see several blue advertisements. Four on your left, two on your right. They are for spread betting, which is a highly leveraged form of futures trading, something that you should only consider if you are a high net worth individual with money to burn.
However, these people will pay me a commission if you sign up at their site (just click through an ad) to receive their information pack. Or, if you sign up for their free demonstration. (Unless you are a high net worth individual with loads of spare money I would think very hard before you sign up for the actual service.)
The first of these will take you 30 seconds, the second 60 seconds. That’s the 90 seconds I’m asking for.
You do not need to use a credit card, it will cost you nothing, you can do it from any country, they just want your name, phone number and address.
Actually, the demo is very interesting, as they let you play the spread betting market with nominal (another word for fake) money, using real time prices. A good educational experience at the very least.
So far this is just me asking you to click through ads right? Well, it’s a little more than that actually. For the commissions on offer are too high for what they are asking people to do. If you just ask for the information pack, they pay me more than the cost of a beer. A good beer in a decent bar. That’s too high.
If you sign up for the free demo (remember, none of this costs you anything except the 90 seconds) they pay me the price of a decent lunch in the country I live in. That is again too high a price.
What happens in financial markets when prices are out of whack, are a little unreal? People arbitrage. That’s the fancy name for selling what is expensive and buying what is cheap. Now I don’t say that 60 seconds of your time is cheap, and you may well think it is not worth giving that to buy me a decent lunch. But these people have made their prices too high, they’re offering commissions too high for what people are being asked to do.
So, please, could you click through one of the ads and sign up for both? Get the brochure (near the bottom of the page) and sign up for the free demonstration version of their platform, and remember to actually log in with the password they’ll email you. It won’t cost you anything, will take 90 seconds of your time, and will make me a very happy man. Please spread the word around, as far as you can, for there is one more thing about this.
This is the Easter weekend and so the UK, where this company is based, is closed until Tuesday morning. They are not going to approve any more people to carry the ads until then, and by then they will realise that their commissions are too high. This is a once off, a once in a decade opportunity for someone to make money out of prices being out of line. That it happens to be me is just one of those things. It might be you next time.
Please note the site does not work in Firefox/Mozilla, IE is best, I haven’t tried Opera, Safari or any of the others. There’s a bug in their javascript.
Remember, none of this will cost you anything but 90 seconds of your time and you will be moving money from the corporate pockets to mine, where I promise to take very good care of it.
And yes, since you ask, Sunday is my birthday, and you could make it a very happy one by helping to create a blogswarm around this page, getting as many as possible to sign up for these two free offers. Ask for the brochure, sign up for the free demonstration and spread the word.
So there we have it, in nearly a year of blogging my first real attempt at blegging, and it won’t cost any of you a penny. With what I’ve spotted and a few hundred of you, it could be a very happy birthday indeed. Please help.
Update. As of Saturday morning, funds raised are heading north of one month’s mortgage payment. Huge thanks to all of those who have been driving traffic here. Only another three days to go beforethese people return to the office so crack on everyone. Just to emphasise, signingup with this advertiser will cost you nothing, you don’t have to do anything other than either (or both) request the brochure or the demonstration. No credit cards, fees, verification necessary.
Update II. They now no longer pay for sign ups for the demo or the brochure, and cannot offer a service to US citizens at all. Have to wait and see how much, if anything, they decide to actually pay. Thanks to all who contributed and I’ll let you know what and if they do pay in a couple of weeks, when their accounting is done.
March 24, 2005 in The Blogger Himself | Permalink
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» Blegging from The England Project
Tim Worstall asks:Folks, I really, really need your help. I mean reeeeally. No, I don’t want any of your money, that isn’t what this is about. I want 90 seconds of your time. Is that possible?Why not pop over to... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 25, 2005 12:01:00 PM
» Help a buddy out. from Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys..
Tim Worstall has a bleg. May I ask for your help? Specifically, may I ask you to direct your readers to this page of mine: An advertiser has got their pricing seriously wrong, offering 10 pounds for each person that... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 25, 2005 12:46:54 PM
» Help Tim out from JacobsRoom.net
Tim Worstall has noticed that one of his advertisers will pay him quite a lot of money if you simly register for their free demo. You have to give out your name, email, phone number and address, so there's some... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 25, 2005 3:51:05 PM
» LLama Public Service Announcement from The LLama Butchers
The Tasty Bits Mail Sack (TM) has been overflowing with missives asking the same question: What can I do for Tim Worstall's birthday on Sunday? Well, ask no more, because Tim has got the answer: Help him fleece his sponsor!... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 25, 2005 3:59:27 PM
» Money, money, money, money from The Jawa Report
Tim Worstall is begging readers to do him a solid. Sounds like a plan to me. On a related note why not check out my fine advertisors from the Blog Ads in left sidebar? Please!!!! Also, if you see a... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 25, 2005 4:08:35 PM
» Money, money, money, money from The Jawa Report
Tim Worstall is begging readers to do him a solid. Sounds like a plan to me. On a related note why not check out my fine advertisors from the Blog Ads in left sidebar? Please!!!! Also, if you see a... [Read More]
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» Money, money, money, money from The Jawa Report
Tim Worstall is begging readers to do him a solid. Sounds like a plan to me. On a related note why not check out my fine advertisors from the Blog Ads in left sidebar? Please!!!! Also, if you see a... [Read More]
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» Help a buddy out. from Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys..
Tim Worstall has a bleg. May I ask for your help? Specifically, may I ask you to direct your readers to this page of mine: An advertiser has got their pricing seriously wrong, offering 10 pounds for each person that... [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 2, 2005 5:44:01 AM
Unfortunately, I can confirm that it doesn't work in Mozilla 1.5 on Linux. Or Konqueror (their registration page froze the app completely - had to be killed). Or Galeon.
I'm out of browsers. As I run Linux, I'm sorry - no IE.
I did try. Happy birthday, anyway.
Posted by: Andy Cooke | Mar 24, 2005 9:30:10 PM
I would prefer the cigars on the top right, but I will give it a a go.
Posted by: Elaib | Mar 25, 2005 8:36:56 AM
Blogger is playing up link will arrive later
Posted by: Elaib | Mar 25, 2005 9:19:53 AM
I'm also a Linux man, (Firefox and Konqueror). But even on a Windows machine, and having located its copy of IE, rather than the default Firefox and Opera, there's still loads of errors on the pages. (The demo runs though).
Is it just me or are they really targetting themselves at naive and unsophisticated users, i.e. IE users?
I couldn't help but sneer at their comment "User-friendly site that not only does the business, but also looks the business." This on a site that doesn't work on any browser but IE, and only partially even then?
Tim adds: I don’t think they’ve really thought the whole thing through before they launched the adverts. They were only launched on Thursday, which may be why their prices are so out of whack. I had a few problems registering my self (yes, I did check there were no hidden extras) like having to email them for a password.
And thanks for the birthday present.
Posted by: David Wildgoose | Mar 25, 2005 1:42:44 PM
Oh, and Happy Birthday for Sunday!
Posted by: David Wildgoose | Mar 25, 2005 1:43:49 PM
Opera loads the page, lets you fill the form, then when you try to sign up the javascript poops.
Tim adds: That’s what happens in Firefox. Guess it’s IE only. Thanks for trying.
Posted by: ian | Mar 25, 2005 2:52:41 PM
No problemo. Glad to help improving market efficiency.
Happy birthday to you!
Posted by: Ignacio | Mar 25, 2005 7:07:03 PM
I wouldn't have done it, except The Llama Buthers made me laugh. Hooray! I helped you fleece your sponsor! Death to all golden geese.
Posted by: bokonon42 | Mar 25, 2005 11:23:15 PM
Done. Happy birthday from Manchester, mate.
Posted by: sortapundit | Mar 26, 2005 1:48:28 PM
Done! And on my site as well
Happy Birthday for tomorrow!
Posted by: dave t | Mar 26, 2005 5:23:07 PM
Let me get this straight. You want ME to spend half the morning clicking on blinking banner ads in order to line YOUR pockets? What do I get in return for my labor besides endless reams of SPAM in my emailbox?
The wheels of capitalism are indeed oiled with the blood of the proletariat. But not my blood, bub. Click your own stinking banner ads.
And Happy Birthday.
Tim adds: Fair comment. Thanks for the good wishes.
Posted by: Liberal Larry | Mar 26, 2005 6:19:10 PM
I'd love to help, but my Windows box has gone tits up. I'm strictly Linux at the moment, I'm afraid.
Anyway, many happy returns.
Posted by: David Gillies | Mar 26, 2005 7:15:26 PM
Well happy birthday for tomorrow; hopefully lunch and a pint will be on me.
I just wanted to point out that the "title" option on the sign -up page is a bit skewed - the options being "Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Rev'd/Lord". What on earth happened to "Miss"?
Posted by: Zoe | Mar 26, 2005 8:47:21 PM
Done and done, Tim. Frohe Geburtstag.
Posted by: Bill H | Mar 26, 2005 11:22:28 PM
Well that was a cheap and simple bithday present (my time is, indeed, cheap).
Hope you had a splendid time. Alles gute....
Posted by: neil | Mar 27, 2005 10:00:08 PM
Tell you what, Tim. I'll do it if you'll visit my blog and, if you like it, link it and tell your friends. I am a writer whose novel, THE BITCH POSSE, is coming out in May with St. Martin's Press and under the title THE BITCH GODDESS NOTEBOOK with Orion in the UK. I've just recently posted a really nice early review from a London bookseller. Take care and have yourself a nice foccacia or something on me. Yours, Martha
Posted by: Martha O'Connor | Mar 28, 2005 2:47:22 AM
Due to Easter Sunday's many duties, I couldn't post my Happy Birthday message earlier, but...
And here, as promised, is my blogpost of today mentioning your blegging request.
Best of luck with that, and Happy Easter.
Posted by: Victoria | Mar 28, 2005 4:44:58 AM
but could you at least drop by to http://new-art.blogspot.com ?
Posted by: Vvoitek | Mar 30, 2005 3:04:15 PM
Please visit our site
[email protected]
Dr. Ganea Mihai
Posted by: Dr. Ganea Mihai | Mar 28, 2007 4:39:43 AM
Transylvania Foundation
Tecuci Locality, Gh. Petrascu Street , Code 805300,
Galati County, Romania, State registry no. 509/98,
Registration No. 10503093
Dear Madame/Sir,
After the Revolution in December 1989 when the communist regime was
brought to an end I founded Transylvania Foundation and Clinic in my
position of president. Since then I have been permanently preoccupied with
humanitarian activity in favour of the abandoned children, adults and old
people who find themselves in difficulty and in sickness. People who are
having difficulties in everyday life are very many in Romania , and our
organization alongside the clinic takes care of some of them. In parallel
with the main activity of Transylvania Foundation, it is also preoccupied
with research in the field of medicine and it supports the hospitals in
Romania with technical equipment received from sponsors and givers
everywhere. To sustain the entire social and medical research activity we
urgently need your material and financial support. Financial help which
comes in as donations and sponsorships of any value, be it small or big,
can be directly transfered in the bank accounts of the foundation in lei
or dollars.
The material help can be sent to the address of the foundation and these
can be: medical and technical equipment of any kind, medicine, mobile
medical assistance ( cars ), clothing for children and adults, food,
computers. Transylvania Foundation launches a humanitary call to all:
common people, companies, banks, foundations, volunteers, businessmen who
wish to help by making donations, sponsorships, and everyone who wishes
to support with donations, sponsorships our humanitarian activity
undergone by our Foundation and clinic. In spirit of your faith, humanity,
and solidarity we invite you to visit our website and to analyse the
humanitary cry and call. We also kindly ask you to join us to save our
brothers who lack material and financial sustainance, the homeless and the
sick. Our website present you in detail the activity, the objectives, the
humanitarian, medical, social, and research programmes ; here you can also
find the bank accounts where you can transfer the sums you choose to
donate. We need your help and we count on your help,
Thank you,
With respect and consideration,
Ganea Mihai, President of Transylvania Foundation
In the spirit of faith, humanity and solidarity we invite you and your
family and we also kindly ask you to come to our help. Your smallest
contribution will bring joy, will heal, will save a life or more lives of
our borthers who find themselves in misery. Any cent you bring to our
foundation and clinic is important. We strongly ask you to try and find a
solution to help us. We thank you from the bottom of our heart! Visit our
website www.transilvaniafoundation.ro that show you in detail the
activity, the objectives, the social, medical, humanitarian and research
programmes of our fondation, photographs as well as basic data about us,
the bank accounts where you can transfer the donated money and
sponsorships. We urgently need your help and we count on you. We thank you
for your understanding and we appreciate the efforts that you are making
in your position of faithful people.
With utter respect and consideration,
Ganea Mihai, President
Vasile Grigoras, Director of Transylvania Foundation
Web. www.transilvaniafoundation.ro
E-mail. [email protected]
P.S. According to the law 365/2002 with regard to electronical commerce,
this message is not and could not be considered spam, because: - it
contains the compulsory identification data the acceptance of the letter
will not trigger costs upon you your e-mail address was taken either
from a public website or from a business guide, or from some companies
that have sent us their offers and with whom we know from business
Posted by: Dr. Ganea Mihai | Mar 28, 2007 4:41:17 AM