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March 20, 2005

Nick Cohen on Planning.

Nick Cohen today does his usual job of disproving Euan Ferguson’s  contention that newspaper columnists are overpaid.

It wasn't a capricious decision by a local little Hitler but a faithful following of government policy. Very quietly the Blair government is repeating mistakes of the Wilson government. Sharp-eyed observers could see the burnt fool's bandaged finger was waggling back to the fire as early as 2000 when John Prescott issued an obscure document - Government Planning Guidance (PPG3) - which announced that increasing housing density was a national priority. Now the message is everywhere. 'Improving the quality of design and the quantum of density are two of the most urgent and important issues facing the house-building industry, declared Lord Falconer, who in the best Crossman tradition doesn't live in a slab block himself, but a lovely Islington villa.

Once again the wrecker's ball is swinging. Prescott has ordered thousands of Victorian terrace houses to be demolished across the north of England.

Even Lord Rogers, who designs tower blocks from his office in his double-fronted Georgian home, has warned Ministers that they should 'first of all conserve existing buildings wherever possible, for they are part of our history and create a spirit of place'. There's no sign that his sensible advice is being taken.

The old alliance of greedy property developers, extravagant architects and unhinged politicians is once again producing grand projects. Ken Livingstone, London's mayor and a civic leader as unaccountable as any the twentieth century produced, wants giant tower blocks to march along the banks of the Thames.

Sir Terry Farrell is proposing to throw up tower blocks at Lots Road in Hammersmith. When Brendan Bird, a campaigner for working-class tenants, asked a public inquiry if the developers could show him the space on the plans for children to play, they couldn't.

In my view he lets fuckwit off a bit lightly there but a fine piece all round.

BTW, Jim, now that this criticism is coming from the left, rather than deranged libertarians such as myself, do you think it has a little more validity?

March 20, 2005 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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» More on housing and planning: Nick Cohen gets nearly everything wrong from Our word is our weapon
Warming to his theme of uninformed attacks on the planning system and housing policy in general, Tim Worstall notes Nick Cohen's column in last week's Observer and asks me, "now that this criticism is coming from the left, rather than... [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 26, 2005 12:10:44 PM


Nick Cohen 'on the left'? Hardly...

Tim adds: Depends where you’re standing when you make the comparison. I think Chris Patten and Ken Clarke are on the left so Nick definitely is.

Posted by: john b | Mar 20, 2005 1:49:28 PM

Why are we providing more capacity for the unemployed who live off the backs of others to choose to live in the most expensive city in the UK?

Be unemployed somewhere cheaper.

Posted by: Rob Read | Mar 20, 2005 8:10:05 PM

"now that this criticism is coming from the left, rather than deranged libertarians such as myself, do you think it has a little more validity?"

In a word, no. Cohen has got his facts completely wrong. More here.

Posted by: Jim | Mar 26, 2005 12:11:51 PM