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February 17, 2005
Keith Richards on Diana.
No, no, put your dirty thoughts away, not physically upon her....sheesh. Talking about her:
Rolling Stone Keith Richards is to start filming a sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean, in which he will play the pirate Johnny Depp's father.
Since he won't need costumes or make-up, I hope he'll have time to give his views on the marriage of Charles and Camilla. When he was rung, like thousands of other celebrities, for his opinion on the death of Diana, he gave the only wholly truthful answer of the lot: "I never knew the chick."
February 17, 2005 in Trivia | Permalink
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"Since he won't need costumes or make-up. . ."
Very mean. But very true.
Posted by: Irene Adler | Feb 17, 2005 4:54:25 PM