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February 20, 2005
BritBlog Roundup Number 1
Further to yesterday’s announcement that I shall be doing a weekly BritBlog Roundup here is the first one. The rules are simple, anything blogged by either a citizen of or resident of the four nations situated in the British Isles can be sent in, thus the use of the logo of the British and Irish Lions (which, no doubt, will get me into copyright trouble). Pieces can be nominated by their author or by anyone else struck by the quality of it. Only one per blog and one nomination per person please!
To send something in for next week simply email the link, blog title, piece title and trackback (if any) to britblog AT gmail DOT com.
Given the 24 hour notice provided there are only a few nominations so I shall fill it out to a reasonable length by adding things I think worthy of note.
First up is Liberal England who offers Listen with Gladstone, a reminder of just how old recording technology is and who you can listen to...both Gladstone and Florence Nightingale.
Anglo Saxon Chronicle reminds us about Solemn Treaty Obligations (yes, it is about the EU).
Blood and Treasure has Sex Lives of the Great Helmsmen which compares the sex lives of varied dictators...noting that some were more lubricious than others.
Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Prescott? offers Top Tips for English MPs.
Mark Holland nominates something from We the Undersigned (that’s the spirit! Mark calls it the best thing he’s read all week,) on the Kyoto Protocol Comes into Force.
What You Can Get Away With sends in Why I Can’t Back Backing Blair.
Those are the people who heard about this and sent something in in the past 24 hours. The rest are my picks so if you disagree with them or think that others should have been included, well, tough, just make sure you send in entries for next week.
Mr S&M argues Against Credibility, stating that the acquisition of gravitas will turn him into Woy Jenkins. (Almost anything from that blog would qualify. That’s why there is a limit of only one entry per blog.)
Europhobia is extremely gloomy, stating UK Blogging: Officially a pointless waste of everyone’s time, and Martin Stabe provides a good set of reasons why (our press is already partisan, unlike the US) in British Blogs, a waste of time? and The Yorkshire Ranter, umm, rants on what the Freepers seem to think we have here in Do they got the interweb in Europistan?
Copper’s Blog provides a little history lesson called Nostalgia...were things really different way back when? (Err, yes, Ed)
Blithering Bunny has just started a new blog showing traffic rankings for UK blogs, called, er, British Blogs. As he says, those rankings are almost certainly wrong as many blogs do not make stats public. He also has a great piece on his regular blog, The Rock Star Will See You Now.
Shot By Both Sides finds that we really are getting tough on crime in End this Food Smuggling Menace.
Anthony Wells continues to amaze political geeks with his dissection of polling reports.
Laban Tall tells us (at some length) why his blog will be a Royal Marriage free zone.
Squander Two stuns everyone in the Isles by finding reasonable and efficient builders.
EUReferendum asks whether ex EU Commissioners in the Lords should be declaring their pensions as interests before debates.
Harry Hutton provides the perfect Opera review.
Eric the Unread provides a few hints to those who think that Afghanistan hasn’t changed.
Harry’s Place notes that two of the most successful UK blogs come from the same small town in Lancashire.
God Save the Queen interrupts his Roman sojourn to tell us why certain parts of the left are supporting the terrorists in Iraq. The way he puts it, it makes perfect sense.
Non-Trivial Solutions follows up the New Scientist article on Climate Change (and takes issue, naturellement).
PooterGeek comes out in favour of privatisation of the university system and annoys the Anonymous Economist in the process (thogh they do kiss and make up, sorta).
The Daily Ablution discusses two different variants of modern art, gets accused of copyright theft and still manages to show that one of the three artists involved is a complete prat.
The England Project looks at Peggy Noonan’s take in the WSJ on blogs and applies the logic to the UK (Many journalists practice sexual perfidy and have taken whores as partners...John is a little unhappy at times).
Jonny Billericay has, um, issues while preparing dinner for his beloved.
Ok, that’s it for this week. I agree, it’s not a perfect roundup, far too many of the people I usually read on it. So, please, help out for next week’s version. Send in, to britblog AT gmail DOT com, your favourite piece produced by either a citizen or resident of the UK and Eire for inclusion in next weekend’s BritBlog Roundup. Entries in by noon GMT Sunday please.
Looking back over this I realise that there’s only one post from Ireland, and that is from an Englishman living in Ulster. Bad Timmy. Could someone please direct me to a few Irish blogs so that I can rectify this?
I also forgot the ritual muttering about how you can support this blog by posting in your used ink jet cartridges. Apologies for both mistakes but hey, this is the first time OK?
February 20, 2005 in BritBlog Roundup | Permalink
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» BRITBLOGGING from Michelle Malkin
Tim Worstall has started a very useful roundup of blogging in the British Isles. Check it out.... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 20, 2005 4:13:38 PM
» BRIT BLOGGING from The Spoons Experience
Tim Worstall is starting a regular feature to keep track of the good blogging taking place on the weenie side of the pond. (No offense guys, but I mean, look around you).... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 20, 2005 4:34:04 PM
» Britblog roundup #1 from Non-trivial Solutions
Tim Worstall has rather fantastically kicked off this project to aggregate the best British and Irish blog posts on a weekly basis. As I'm mentioned this time round, I can only salute his fine sense of taste and recommend you check it out. [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 20, 2005 6:01:37 PM
» Kyoto: Browbeating America... Without Result from Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog
Here's an overseas perspective on America's decision not to ratify the Kyoto Treaty. Worth reading in its entirety, but [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 20, 2005 8:20:38 PM
» Brit Blogs Roundup from http://teachersramblings.blogspot.com/
An idea who's time has come. As the Guardian noted, [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 21, 2005 12:14:12 AM
» Crazy Brits from Isaac Schrödinger
Jamie Kenny on Nucular Kim:... This is the monumental complete load of absolute fucking nonsense known as the Juche ideal. [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 21, 2005 12:41:11 AM
» Blithering Bunny from The Conservative Philosopher
Our own Scott Campbell (aka Blithering Bunny) made Tim Worstall's BritBlog Roundup Number 1. G... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 21, 2005 1:43:26 AM
» BritBlog Roundup from Blimpish
Tim Worstall had a good idea this week - do a weekly round-up of the good, operating blogs in and around the British isles. His first go is here, which I didn't make, probably because I didn't e-mail him to nominate one of my screeds as one for wider ... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 21, 2005 2:23:09 AM
» BRITISH MP Iain Duncan Smith, former head of from PRESTOPUNDIT
the Conservative party, has the must read of the day: For decades the national conversation in most western countries has been directed by a few talking heads .. The... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 21, 2005 5:19:13 AM
» British Blogging a waste of time? from An Englishman's Castle
Tim Worstall points out: Europhobia is extremely gloomy, stating UK Blogging: Officially a pointless waste of everyones time, and Martin Stabe provides a good set of reasons why (our press is already partisan, unlike the US) in Briti... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 21, 2005 7:11:06 AM
» Speaking of potential... from Bloggerheads
BritBlog Roundup proposed. Kind of like a semi-manual UK-specific Blogdex, perhaps? Test-run of sorts here. TheyWokrForYou.com has a bunch of new features as well. Go see.... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 21, 2005 9:41:53 AM
» Carnival Time! from Dean's World
Tim Worstall has started the first weekly Brit blog roundup.
As the winner of the [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 21, 2005 3:04:08 PM
» On Kyoto from A mall: at one, we assess a ewe, not a llama
Blogger Tim Newman:
To the average Yank, and to a great many other people (including myself), the Kyo... [Read More]Tracked on Feb 27, 2005 8:06:15 AM
» British blogging round up from A Fistful of Euros
If you're interested in finding out what British bloggers are talking about then you'll probably find Tim Worstall's first BritBlog Roundup rather useful. He's hoping to make it a weekly event, similar to other blog roundups like the Carnival of... [Read More]Tracked on Jun 9, 2005 6:58:18 PM
www.atlanticblog.com is a good Irish one.
Posted by: dave t | Feb 20, 2005 6:29:54 PM
I read this one every day.
Posted by: jreid | Feb 20, 2005 7:46:36 PM
Scott at Daily Ablution is a Yank living in the UK; ditto Marc at USS Neverdock (listed on Bunny's list of top British Blogs.) And Bunny himself is a transplanted Ozzie.
So, several of the top UK blogs are not even technically British.
That's sad.
Posted by: Irene Adler | Feb 20, 2005 10:30:49 PM
The guy at Atlantic Blog is a Yank too, dave t.
Posted by: Irene Adler | Feb 20, 2005 11:13:21 PM
This has all been a spliffing idea Tim, I have actually discovered blogs that I never knew existed. It has also done wonders for my hit counter (read ego) I didn't even realise the diversity of ISP out there.
Tim adds: That’s the point of it. (Re) finding Jonny Billericay made the couple of hours yesterday afternoon worthwhile.
Posted by: Anoneumouse | Feb 20, 2005 11:20:21 PM
Cheers Tim.
Irene - Yeah, and Sully's a Brit. What's your point, beyond tedious UKphobic carping?
Anoneumouse - I think "spiffing" means awesome, while "spliffing" means "smoking lots of drugs". I wouldn't want to comment on which one you meant ;-)
Posted by: john b | Feb 20, 2005 11:38:29 PM
I'm hardly "UKphobic. " But I'm also wondering where "Brit Bloggers" draws the line on transplants.
Also, I believe that Sully is a US citizen now.
Tim adds: Well, Irene, I do explain this. Any citizen and any resident. Have to have the citizen bit or how can I do it? I live in Portugal. Have to have the resident bit precisely to include those you mention. Think of it less as blogging by Brits and moreof blogging about Brits. For example, oneof the most perceptive pieces, by Martin Stabe, on why the UK blogs are going to be different from US ones, was by a German resident in London.
Posted by: Irene Adler | Feb 20, 2005 11:50:32 PM
Perhaps if we're a little short of British bloggers to compare with the superstars of the US blogosphere we might seek out some Russian billions to cover a few star signings. Either that, or we continue to await with bated breath IDS's first foray into blogging as he seeks to spearhead the conservative revolution from the sidelines. Has anyone had any contact with IDS since the publication of his seminal article?
Posted by: Nick | Feb 21, 2005 12:02:02 AM
Thanks whoever put me up for this, and thanks for your comment, Irene.
The Martin Stabe article is excellent. I also look forward to IDS's next article 'Internet likely to make difference to Book Retailing'
Posted by: JonnyB | Feb 21, 2005 8:17:57 AM
Do you know if that's also going to be published in the Guardian? Was Saturday's piece the first in a series?
Posted by: Nick | Feb 21, 2005 10:29:20 AM
Thanks for this list - some very interesting stuff there. I especially like the flash animation on http://www.bloggerheads.com/labour/
Posted by: mark | Feb 21, 2005 8:41:27 PM
You should consider reading A From L, a sophisticated and well written online journal from a Londoner at this address:
http://afroml.blogspot.com/Posted by: Sherab | Feb 26, 2005 10:16:52 PM