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November 20, 2004
Farage in Full.
EURealist has the Nigel Farage speech in full. Caution, spreading the information contained in that post, that the new French Commissioner was once convicted of fraud, is a criminal offense in France, just as voicing support for Vlaams Block (as I and myriad others have) is in Belgium. All that remains is to go for the trifecta and go hunting in England on February 19th 2005.
November 20, 2004 in European Union | Permalink
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» Froggy Pardons from L'Ombre de l'Olivier
A certain French EU commissioner who shall remain nameless for legal reasons - the author resides in France where mention of this affair is "strictement interdit" - was pardoned for his involvement in a scheme to take steal a large chunk of governmen... [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 22, 2004 5:25:49 PM