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October 18, 2004

How Freedom Dies.

Put not your trust in the European Union. We see a report today that the European Court has sided with the executive over the individual on a matter of human rights. Leave aside that they have no jurisdiction, that the case is and should be a matter for the European Court of Human Rights, a body which is not part of the grande project at all. The details of this specific case might seem minor, whether a journalist has a right to protect his sources, or whether the powers that be have a right to lie, cheat and collude to confiscate his notes and documents.
The real point about human rights is that they are about what they, the rulers, may not do to us, the citizens. If they are allowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want, how is it possible, in any realistic sense, to state that we actually have any human rights?

The European Court has quietly brushed aside 50 years of international case law in a landmark judgment on press freedom, ruling that Brussels does not have to comply with European human rights codes.

See that? Human rights no longer apply when the eurocrats think they should not. It isn't the first time:
It ruled in "Connolly v Commission" in 2001 that the EU could curtail civil rights to defend the "general interest of the communities" where necessary, despite human rights case law clearly and repeatedly banning recourse to such sweeping powers.

We're not part of a nascent state that is going to protect us, to uphold our rights as individuals. No, these can be brushed aside at any time in the interests of the bureaucracy, at any time that the bureaucracy decides it is in its interest to do so. This is not freedom folks, this is the very denial of freedom, a denial of all of those pious documents and lofty speeches that have been made over the decades about how shared sovereignty will bring us greater liberty.
It is time, I think, to unveil our bastardisation of Cato, from one source EU Delenda Est, from another, Ceterum censeo Consilium Europaeum esse delendam. I plump for the latter and thank the author. Please use this phrase as you see fit, it will be used extensively here.

October 18, 2004 in European Union | Permalink


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I have no knowledge of Latin whatsoever, but I may have to make this my motto [Read More]

Tracked on Oct 19, 2004 7:04:57 AM



Should i attribute this qoute to you or Cato the elder?
In the former case, what is the latin form of your name, in the proper form(?) and tense? :-)


Posted by: Henning Forsstrøm | Oct 18, 2004 3:49:53 PM