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December 06, 2006

Robert Smith

No, not a fan of Robert Smith's music, or The Cure, still this does seem a little worthy of sympathy:

Thirty years in the music business is no prevention for writers' block.

That is the problem facing The Cure frontman Robert Smith, who is struggling to come up with lyrics to some of the 33 new songs the band has recorded for its 14th studio album.

The record's release has already been pushed back to May and the group goes on tour in March, so the pressure is on for the 47-year-old, who does not want to his legacy to be an aging band that gradually fades into the background.

Howeverm while I find his music ghastly there's one thing the man has done that makes me warm to him.

Years ago, there was a chapter of his fan club in California. The head of this chapter was just about to have her 18 th birthday party, and it was to include, a day or so away from her actual birthday, a trip to a Cure concert locally. However, the girl had some sort of illness that left her in a wheelchair and the health and safety people said she couldn't go. Bummer, ruined her 18th and all that.

So, anyway, they hired a DJ, the local high school gym and so on and tried to make the best of it. Someone also got a band to come in and play some music from the stage as well.

The curtains swing back and there's Robert Smith and The Cure, they play a full set. In a high school gym. For one of their fans. On her 18th birthday.

There's many years sliced off Purgatory for that lad you know.

December 6, 2006 | Permalink
