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December 29, 2008
Gift cards
Now this is an idea I think whose time has come. We're all familiar with the difficulties we all have in buying gifts for the holiday season? It's OK with someone you really know, or someone you love, you do indeed know just what to get them. But what about that wider family and circle of friends? It's almost impossible, isn't it?
So, instead of getting something they might not want, or that they try to take back to the store, why not get them a gift card? OK, OK, that's not all that new an idea, stores have been selling gift cards forever. But wait a minute, you've still got to go to all of the different individual stores to get the different gift cards, don't you?
So how about a one stop shop, a gift card mall, where you can get hundreds, if not thousands, of different gift cards all in the one place? That does sound like amuch better idea, doesn't it?
One single place where you can get an Applebee's gift card, a Best Buy gift card, an iTunes gift card.
That does sound like a good idea....as I say above, an idea whose time has come. Just click through any of the links above to see what they have for you at the gift card mall.
December 29, 2008 in Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack