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October 08, 2007

Last Minute Australia

Ah, finally, they've sorted out the Last Minute Australia site. It used to be really rather difficult to navigate and not, to be honest, the most pretty site ever put together either.

Now of course this is the Oz offshoot of the UK Last Minute site and works in very much the same way. Last minute accomodation, last minute hotels, cheap flights, well you know the drill.

Actually, they've got the site sorted out at just the right time. They have a section on Quantas: useful given the performance of the boys in green and gold on Saturday don't you think? They'll be needing to book a flight at short notice.

Or do you think the national airline will refuse to take them?

October 8, 2007 in paid blogging | Permalink


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Posted by: saju | Nov 8, 2008 12:57:06 PM