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October 28, 2007
No, this isn't a real lottery. There are no prices waiting for you here.
This is a group of criminals who want to steal your money from you. What will happen is that they will tell you that you must pay sopme fees (maybe legal, maybe insurance, maybe taxes) to get your prize released. But any money that you send them will just be kept by hte criminals and no prize will ever be sent to you.
Ignore it, it's a scam, a fake, a fraud.
REF: EC/BSP/0877/07
WINNING NUMBER: 04, 05,19,39,41
ATTN: 099-6373-14
Final Notification of Unclaimed Prize
With reference to the above; we (EUROPEAN EURO- MILLIONS PROMO BOARD)
wish to inform you that your mail lottery prize of 640,000.00, claim is
yet to be processed after our initial winning notification and claim forms
mailed to your address 25th September 2007; for application and claim is
still pending or yet to be submitted.The draw date was 12/9/2007, and the
result was release on the 18th September 2007 confirming your email ticket
number 099-6373-14 and your batch number BT390877 as the winners of the
second batch draw.
Sequence to this, we are now considering this notification as the final
notice. And does not guarantee you the prize won except your application
for making claims get to us before the 5th of November 2007, All unclaimed
winnings are recycle for the next cyber lottery game, so you are always
advice to contact agent before the deadline avoid losing your fund
totally. As part of our insurance policy and security protocol, we have
secured and insured the fund in your name to avoid to double and doubtful
claim. However, we advice that you keep this award from public notice
until your claims has been processed and the money remitted to your
account or directly to you .
Contact our claim agent for details and assistance in making your
claim.Application should be made either by email or fax sending copy of
this notification along with proved of information about your person, and
photocopy of any identification document. Attention should be (REF:
Address: S. I V. PEREZ,
28921. (Madrid) Spain
Tel/fax: 00- 34-659-508-091
Email: [email protected]
All authorization for remittance can only be made upon submission and
verification of your application.
Don Simon Ricardo.
Spain Claim Central Office
This message may contain information that is confidential and may be
subject to the provisions of section European Lottery Act 1958, if you are
not the intended recipient of this message or have received this message
in error, you must not peruse claim, use, pass or copy this message or any
of its contents to third party
October 28, 2007 in Lottery | Permalink
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Just to confirm.... I have received exactly the same email with the same words and numbers
What a stone faces!!!
Posted by: Antonio | Feb 13, 2008 3:51:30 AM
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin sehr Froh das ich heute den Namen dieser Firma gegooglet habe und Eure Beiträge lesen konnte. Vielen Dank - hat mich vor einen Gr. Fehler bewart.
Ich habe nun schon ein paar Emails im Jan 2009 bekommen
das meine Email Adresse gewonnen hätte, 1.000.000 Euro bin ich nun Reicher
"hahaha" sollte mich viva Email oder Tel bei Lopez melden - habe geschrieben ob ich wirklich gewonnen hätte.
Darauf ja "Herzlichen Glückwunsch" und Anbei eine Anlage in der ich meine Daten und Perso und Bank mitteilen sollte.
Und das die Geld haben möchten.
Ja Klar .... in meinen Augen sind es Kriminelle, Verbrecher, Gangster !!!!
Werde Montag schauen ob man da nicht mit dem Anwalt was machen kann - auch wenn es heißen soll in Spanien da zählen Deutsche Rechte nicht.
Das bedeutet aber nicht das die "Deutschen" abgezogen werden können.
Liebe Grüße
" die Millionen Frau" aus Germany
PS.ich könnte mich totlachen, wenn es nicht so traurig wäre
Posted by: Sonja | Feb 6, 2009 6:45:10 PM
Goodness to those people! This is obviously a scam mails! They're such a wise idiot trying to steel money for those innocent people. This people are hopeless.
Posted by: Euromillions | Aug 15, 2009 4:22:10 PM
A very clear example of scam e-mails. I received the same e-mail last month. Poor people! You guys may take note of this precautionary warning.
Posted by: euromillions_lottery | Aug 16, 2009 6:08:12 PM
Hallo Freunde
Ich soll 1 Millionen Euro gewonnen haben Bzw. Meine Email Adresse wurde gezogen und hätte deswegen 1 Millionen Euro gewonnen.
Ich bin sehr froh das ich die Seite
Hier gefunden habe ,und den Namen dieser Firma gegoogelt habe.
Es sind offenbar Richtig Trickreiche und sehr bemühte I-NET Betrüger,verbrecher ,die mit den Hoffnungen der Menschen die nicht so viel haben Richtig absahnen wollen.Indem sie ihnen was von einen sehr hohem gewinn erzählen und eigentlich nur darauf aus sind von diesen Menschen irgend welche gelder zu bekommen ,abziehen,verarschen beklauen betrügen klar.
Also Finger weg
Bzw. Richtig Aufpassen wenn dir jemand was schenken will oder dir sagt du hast gewonnen.
Sascha Berger
Posted by: Sascha Berger | Sep 4, 2009 6:55:58 PM